Communal ears: recorded music infrastructure and creative communities (Discussion session) CMRC Seminar (Week 8
Event details
For this discussion, Alex Mackay will be introducing the work of a selection of record labels engaging with musical practices outside of the mainstream, looking at the role they play in the musical communities in which the artists and listeners exist (now decreasingly constrained by physical/geographical boundaries), and questioning how our work as artists can be impacted by existing within such communities; both in terms of our creative process and output, as well as how our work is perceived by listeners in relation to the other work that exists around it.
Some questions that may be opened up to explore these ideas are:
- In an era where it is increasingly possible/practical to create and disseminate music independently of other personnel/industry bodies and with lessening geographical restrictions, what forms do musical communities take?
- To what extent does the creative community in which you exist influence the work you create and how you create that work?
- To what extent does the creative community in which you exist influence how an audience perceives your work?
- Now artists can distribute their work directly to streaming platforms without necessarily requiring a third party, what value do infrastructures that pre-date the era of this technology such as record labels still hold both for artists and listeners?
Online joining details
Meeting ID: 974 1147 1887
Passcode: 030134