2023 events
Informal catchup/organisational meeting for the CCC members
Informal catchup/organisational meeting for the CCC members
CMRC Seminar–Concert with Spirited Winds (Carmen Troncoso, Desmond Clarke & Jennifer Cohen)
Please join us for this week's CMRC Seminar–Concert with Spirited Winds
Creative Coding Collective
Creative Coding Collective
CMRC: Workshop for composers with Spirited Winds (Carmen Troncoso, Desmond Clarke & Jennifer Cohen)
Please join us for this week's CMRC workshop for composers with Spirited Winds
Creative Coding Collective - Open Session, research/work show and tell
Creative Coding Collective - Open Session, research/work show and tell
CMRC Discussion session: The Humane Masterclass (facilitated by Stef Conner)
Join us for a discussion session in which we continue last term’s exploration of the workshop format by considering how it might be reimagined in more supportive, empowering, facilitated by Stef Conner.
Creative Coding Collective
Creative Coding Collective
CMRC Seminar: Kirsty Devaney (composer, educator and researcher)
Please join us for this week's CMRC seminar with composer, educator and researcher, Kirsty Devaney
CMRC Workshop: Writing for non-professional/young musicians with Kirsty Devaney
Please join us for this week's CMRC workshop with Kirsty Devaney
Creative Coding Collective - Martin Suckling (UoY)
Creative Coding Collective - Martin Suckling (UoY)
CMRC Seminar (Semester 1 Week 7): Black Fell: a game-for-music
In this seminar, composer Martin Suckling will outline the creative process for the online game, Black Fell, considering ways in which online may be a new 'venue' for music.
Creative Coding Collective - Abi Evans (UoY)
Creative Coding Collective - Abi Evans (UoY)
CMRC Seminar (Semester 1 week 6): Marco Fusi (violinist/violist and researcher)
Violinist/violist Marco Fusi presents an investigation of Salvatore Sciarrino's Sei capricci for violin, composed in 1975/76, examining the unique vocabulary of instrumental gestures and musical figures developed in this piece.
Creative Coding Collective - Siobhan Dunlop (UoY)
Putting the DISC in digital creativity and coding
CMRC Seminar: Andy Ingamells (composer-performer)
Composer and performance artist Andy Ingamells talks about the relationships between the different elements of his work, and in particular the ways in whine his recent work develops forms of collaboration and social interaction.
CMRC Seminar: Carlos Zamora (composer) – Borrowed material from everywhere
Please join us for this week's CMRC seminar with Chilean composer Carlos Zamora.
Theory feeds practice feeds theory feeds practice
Gaia Blandina and Niamh Dell, two practice researchers in music in the School of Creative Arts and Technologies, discuss the role of theory in their creative work.
The Critical Organology of Gear Cultures
In this Contemporary Music Research Collective seminar, Eliot Bates examines the social status of musical ‘gear’: why is there such interest, today, in a bulky, expensive and difficult to use instruments like the modular synthesizer?
Music Coding Collective - Summer Week 10
Federico Reuben and Kate Ledger
Music Cognition Matters - Orchestrating Imagination: The Role of Visual Mental Imagery in Music Cognition
In the realm of music cognition, the primary focus of imagery research has been on auditory mental imagery, which refers to the quasi-perceptual experience of sound and music in the absence of related external sensory input.
Music Coding Collective - Summer Week 9
Kyle Worrall presents: Game audio in Unreal Engine, part II: Music
Music Cognition Matters: The dynamics of attentional engagement with music and why it matters.
Research suggests we fail to pay attention to what we are doing as much as 50% of the time, and that the act of music listening is no exception.
CMRC Seminar (Summer Week 9): Anything goes? Considering improvisation in contemporary music practice and research
Join us for a discussion session on considering improvisation in contemporary music practice and research
CMRC Workshop (Summer Week 9): Composing for the Harp with Ruth Lee
Join us for this session with harpist and composer Ruth Lee in which she discusses considerations when approaching writing for the harp and workshops music by student composers.
Music Coding Collective - Summer Week 8
Tom Collins presents Planning meeting for next semester's Music Coding Collective
Music cognition matters - "Can't get you out of my head": Preventing the occurrence of unwanted involuntary musical imagery
The everyday, involuntary imagining of music is commonplace. While this is not usually problematic, there is a need to support individuals who suffer from intrusive musical imagery.
CMRC Seminar (Summer Week 8): Federico Reuben (composer) + Kate Harrison-Ledger (piano)
Join us for this session in which Federico Reuben (composer) and Kate Harrison-Ledger (piano) discuss their recent collaborative project On Violence.
Music x Therapy x Technology
Three artist-scholars will engage you in learning about and joining in with Afro-beat making, AI songwriting and Therapeutic Hip Hop.
Music Coding Collective - Summer Week 7
Thesis seminar: On deep learning for the synthesis of sound effects
Music Cognition Matters - Retrospective surprise and prospective uncertainty in the cognition, composition, and improvisation of musical melodies
Emergence of digitally encoded musical corpora & advanced computational tools has allowed music scientists to dissociate the roles of retrospective surprise & prospective uncertainty in the cognition, composition, & improvisation of musical melodies.
CMRC Seminar (Summer Week 7): Audrey Riley Is It Ok to Wander? The challenges of practice-based research
Join us for this session in which cellist, composer and arranger Audrey Riley discusses aspects of her work.
Music Cognition Matters - Lightning talks leading to discussion
Please join us for a range of lightening talks with a number of different speakers
Music Coding Collective - Summer Week 6
Adrián Barahona-Ríos and Kyle Worrall present: Previews of Game Audio Symposium talks
Music Cognition Matters - Music, disability and enactivism
Maria A. G. Witek is Associate Professor at the Department of Music, University of Birmingham, UK.
Music Coding Collective - Summer Week 5
Kyle Worrall presents: Game audio in Unreal Engine, part I: Sound Design
CMRC Seminar (Summer Week 5): Public Pillory and/or Supportive Safe Space – The Challenges of Composition Workshops and Performance Masterclasses (Led by Stef Conner)
Join us for a discussion session concerning an aspect of contemporary music practice and research – topic to be announced.
A Baroque Fantasy
FREE Illustrated Concert of Baroque and Improvised Music
Music Cognition Matters: Caroline Curwen
Breaking the Mold: Embracing Neurodiversity in Musical Thinking and Cognition
Music Coding Collective - Summer Week 4
Tom Collins presents: Server-side programming with Node.js in Glitch
Music Cognition Matters - The pleasurable urge to move to music with others
All around the world, music is used to connect people, often through shared body movements.
Music Coding Collective - Summer Week 3
Dar'ya Guarnera presents: Two solutions to one computer graphics problem
CMRC Seminar (Summer Week 3): Jia Chai (composer)
Composer Jia Chai discusses aspects of her recent work.
Music Cognition Matters - The role of transmission and shared resources in the music-language relationship
Music is the product of a long evolutionary process that has shaped it for the human mind and its constraints – similarly to language.
Music Coding Collective - Summer Week 2
Liam Maloney presents: Max/MSP for sound installations
CMRC Seminar (Summer Week 2): ‘Garden of Forking Paths’ with Scott McLaughlin (composer) & Heather Roche (clarinet)
The Garden of Forking Paths project (GoFP) explores how we can compose for contingent instruments that have their own ‘material agency’.
CMRC: ‘Listening with the Clarinet’ workshop with Heather Roche (clarinet) & Scott McLaughlin (composer)
Working through Pauline Oliveros’ Deep Listening framework, the workshop engages clarinettist Heather Roche and a group of participants in a range of listening activities and scenarios.
Music Cognition Matters - Interdisciplinarity: Challenges and opportunities for music cognition research
Music Cognition is an inherently interdisciplinary field and can be approached from multiple perspectives.
Music Coding Collective - Summer Week 1
Dr Jenn Chubb presents: AI, what's that sound? Exploring how composers and artists sonically portray AI in documentary
CMRC seminar - Matthew Schellhorn
Pianist Matthew Schellhorn discusses his work bringing new music to a wider audience, exploring themes of collaborating with composers and the commissioning process.
Music Coding Collective, Spring Week 9
Asset economy in the music streaming business
How knowledgeable do you want your audience to be?
This session will open up discussion around the pros and cons of a knowledgeable audience.
Communal ears: recorded music infrastructure and creative communities (Discussion session)
Alex Mackay will be introducing the work of a selection of record labels engaging with musical practices outside of the mainstream
Music Coding Collective, Spring Week 7
Phillip Harrison will present on 'Explorations in VR'.
Sarah Lianne Lewis - Collaboration and connection: Responding with creativity in the shadow of a climate crisis
Composer Sarah Lianne Lewis will discuss aspects of her recent work.
Music Coding Collective, Spring Week 6
A-Frame for coding VR experiences, part II
Restriction and freedom in music performance
Discussion session led by PhD student Kate Ledger
Hannah Gibbs: Associations between physiological synchrony and shared flow in Javanese gamelan playing
Hannah Gibbs joins us to discuss her exploration of mixed methods ways of understanding the unconscious shared flow experience in Javanese gamelan as part of the Music Coding Collective seminars.
CMRC seminar – Amy Thatcher
Accordionist Amy Thatcher joins us to present some of her work and composition methods.
Tune writing with Amy Thatcher
Accordionist Amy Thatcher will present and speak about her practice.
Music Coding Collective, Spring Week Three
Noah Henry discusses how people select music that 'fits' the situation and how this information can be used to answer complex research questions.
CMRC Seminar – Matthew Whiteside
Matthew Whiteside joins us to talk about his compositions and career as a composer and concert producer.
Workshop: Self-Releasing Your Music – with Matthew Whiteside
This workshop will give you a broad overview of what steps you need to take to self-release your music to generate income and engagement.
Tom Smith: A-Frame for coding VR experiences, part one
Tom Smith joins us to discuss A-Frame for coding as part of the spring term Music Coding Collective seminars.
Maya Verlaak: ‘Disrupted Human: REBOOT’
Maya Verlaak introduces her music and her approaches to composition and collaboration, with opportunities for questions and further discussion.
Alex Tay: ‘Cautionary tales from Professor GoodTrip on Composition / Illusion / Research’
In this talk, Alex will compare two pieces from his doctorate portfolio: Ghoulish Airs, an orchestral piece written for the LSO Panufnik scheme, and Jab for solo piano, performed and recorded by Ben Smith.