2022 events
Music Coding Collective, Autumn week 10
Atomic flute and p5.js visualisation: Update on a Sounds, Voices and Technology project
Cultural borders: Contemporary Music Research Cluster Seminar, week 10
A discussion session led by Jake Adams (PhD composer)
Music Coding Collective, Autumn week 9
Coding session 5: Review of coding this term
Success on the Decks: DJing as a tool to Boost Engagement in Music Education
Pete Dale puts the record straight by discussing how DJing can be used a tool to boost engagement in music education.
Music Coding Collective, Autumn week 8
Music technology research and human-computer interaction domains (HCI) have seen the emergence of several tools for designing expressive gestural interactions with digital sounds.
Contemporary Music Research Cluster Seminar: week 8
This talk will consider compositional practice in relation to Timothy Morton’s ideas surrounding the hyperobject.
Music Coding Collective, Autumn week 7
Krisztian Hofstadter (School of Arts and Creative Technologies) joins us to present "Developing brain-computer music interfaces for meditation."
What does a national repository for practice research need?
Join us as Scott McLaughlin discusses what does a national repository need for practice research.
Contemporary Music Research Cluster Seminar: week 7
Join composers Alan Bullard, Kristina Arakelyan and Association Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) Partnerships Manager and composer James Welburn as they explore the world of composing to a brief with ABRSM.
Music Coding Collective, Autumn week 6
Mary Stewart-David: Making Musicals in the Metaverse
PGR presentations
Details to be confirmed nearer the time.
Education and Contemporary Urban Music
This workshop explores DJ skills in schools and beyond, and the variation of hip hop and related music around the world.
Music Coding Collective, Autumn week 5
Coding session 4: Next steps in p5.js and Tone.js.
Contemporary Music Research Cluster Seminar: week 5
This discussion session led by PGR Music students with Professor Christopher Fox explores the question: 'What is the nature of the 'new' in 'new music'?
Music Coding Collective, Autumn week 4
Coding session three: Tone.js.
Contemporary Music Research Cluster Seminar: week 4
Graham Fitkin talks about his work, including his new piece, BLA BLA BLA, for pianos, samplers and spoken voice (York Concert Series: The Fairy Relentless Fitkins).
Music Coding Collective, Autumn week 3
Session three: Interactive pop music infilling interface in Ableton with Rui Guo (University of Sussex)
Improvising Sabor: Cuban Dance Music in New York
Sue Miller explores improvising Sabor in the streets of New York.
Contemporary Music Research Cluster Seminar: week 3
Boston (USA) based composer Roustom will share his experiences of his journey exploring identity through music.
Music Coding Collective, Autumn week 2
Music Coding Collective week 2: JavaScript and p5.js
It's Not the 'Kreutzer' Sonata
Listen to Sarah Waltz discuss why it's not the 'Kretzer' Sonata.
Contemporary Music Research Cluster Seminar: Finding space/Inhabiting space
This session will explore the 'spaces' in which contemporary music practices can or might take place. Questions might include: Where is there space 'for' contemporary practice? How does the choice of context shape or change practice?
Music Coding Collective: Coding session 1
Autumn term session one, 'Introduction to JavaScript and p5.js.'
CANCELLED: Liam Maloney and Katherine O’Neill (University of York) - Alone Together: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Spotify Listening During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Please note this seminar has been CANCELLED.
PGR Session
Part of our weekly Music Research Seminar series
Alex Paxton: Happy big gay Cartoon-Machine Music for Bosch People, orchestras and Lollipops
The composer and improvising-trombonist joins us to discuss his recent work.
University of York Sound and Technology Network event (CANCELLED)
Please note that this event has been cancelled.
Liz Haddon and Martin Suckling: Òran Fìdhle / Violin Song
Join us to find out more about an exciting new duet composition and pedagogy project: Òran Fìdhle / Violin Song
The Same Old Tune? Protest Song, Contrafacta, and the Search for an Interdisciplinary Vocabulary, 1600–2021
Part of our weekly Music Research Seminar series
Kate Ledger/Monica Pearce: Performer/composer perspectives on exploring the physical limitations of piano and toy piano performance
Discussion and workshop of a new collaborative work exploring ideas of restraint, physicality and technique around piano and toy piano performance.
Mykaeli Riley (University of Westminster): Black British Popular Music at the British Library - The Journey
Part of our weekly Music Research Seminar series
Megan Steinberg: On Composition & Disability
A session exploring roles of composition, collaboration, AI and experimental aesthetics with musicians who identify as disabled, Deaf and/or neurodivergent.
Lyndon Way (University of Liverpool) - Anti-Populist Populism: Musical Challenges to Trump’s America and Erdoğan’s Turkey
Part of our weekly Music Research seminar series
Music Coding Collective, Summer week 1
Dr Tom Collins will be discussing 'Data sonification: an Introduction'.
Sarah Raine (Edinburgh Napier University/University of Limerick) - Negotiating Definitions of Cultural Diversity: Music Festivals in Ireland during COVID-19 and Post-Pandemic
Part of our weekly Music Research Seminar series
Zakiya Leeming: Frozen waterfalls, compressed springs: Compositional strategies informed by science, medicine, digital technologies and machine learning.
A session exploring iterative methodologies, composer/scientist collaborations, distributed creativity and technological hybridity.
Music Coding Collective, Spring week nine
Philip Harrison: Research and high-performance computing for Arts & Humanities and Social Sciences
Catherine Haworth (University of Huddersfield) - “What the voodoos do”: Reading Identity in the All-Singing, All-Dancing Body of Ann Miller
Part of our weekly Music Research Seminar series
Mark Hanslip: Neural Image Classification for Intelligent Real-Time Musical HCI (or 'building a robot ear') / Jane Chan: Tuning the Untuned: Oh God, The music certainly did not sound like this in my head...
Join us for a double bill of engaging seminars exploring 'robot ears' and composition.
Music Coding Collective, Spring week 8Jemily Rime: Quantum computer music
Jemily Rime: Quantum computer music
Cancelled: Hannah Robbins (University of Nottingham) - The Gospel Truth: Black Lives, Religion, and the American Musical
Part of our weekly Music Research Seminar series
Federico Favali: Beyond the Clouds: On Affinities between Ideas of Karl Popper and Music of György Ligeti / Matthew Hall: Aspects of John Coltrane’s music as a pedagogical framework for compositional development
Join us for a double bill of engaging seminars exploring Karl Popper and John Coltrane
Music Coding Collective, Spring week 7
Kyle Worrall. Technical sound design in Unreal Engine, including syncing sound to animations
David R. M. Irving: The Intercultural Interests of Early Music Pioneers Arnold and Mabel Dolmetsch
Part of our weekly Music Research seminar series
Clement Power: How many ears? Improving musicianship training for performers of new music / Frederick Viner: Bad Breath: Meditation Gone Awry in Etude III
Join us for this double-bill of engaging seminars
Music Coding Collective, Spring week 10Coding session 4: JUCE for bridging audio and machine learning, part II
Coding session 4: JUCE for bridging audio and machine learning, part II
Pete Dale (University of York) - Success on the Decks: DJing as a Tool to Boost Engagement in Music Education
Part of our weekly Music Research Seminar series
Music Coding Collective, Spring week 5Adrián Barahona Ríos. Machine learning for procedural audio
Adrián Barahona Ríos. Machine learning for procedural audio
Music Coding Collective, Spring week 4Coding session 2.5: Debugging Matlab, querying Spotify’s API
Coding session 2.5: Debugging Matlab, querying Spotify’s API
Pulsation, Groove, and Grime
Composer Florence Anna Maunders presents a guided exploration of her recent work, which draws upon influences from the worlds of drum 'n' bass, contemporary jazz, Persian folk music and American minimalism.
Music Coding Collective, Spring week 3More JavaScript and p5.js (continuing from previous session)
Coding session 2: More JavaScript and p5.js (continuing from previous session)
Going North: collaborations with composers and engineers
In this seminar, celebrated Brazilian-Canadian pianist Luciane Cardassi will perform live for the audience and talk about the different paths music collaboration have opened in her artistic journey.
Music Coding Collective, Spring Week 2Coding session 1: Introduction to JavaScript and p5.js
Coding session 1: Introduction to JavaScript and p5.js
Songs at the Sacrifice: Text, Music and Meaning in the Late Medieval Mass
Part of our weekly Music Research Seminar series
Talking with statues: language, memory and history in Hans Zender’s ‘composed interpretations’
In 2010, Hans Zender commented: 'the past is not past, we can take it up again and send it in a different direction’. Can we? How? To what purpose? Join Dr Mark Hutchinson in this engaging seminar to find out.