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Leila Araar

Supervisors - Colleen Morgan (UoY)  and Louise Fowler (MOLA)

Funding - Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Collaborative Doctoral Partnership (CDP) and the Thomas Gordon Reid Scholarship (University of York Legacy Gift)

Digital Recording, Fieldwork, and Craft at Museum of London Archaeology

This collaborative doctoral research investigates the impact of digital recording methods on the documentation and interpretation of archaeological knowledge and the experience of archaeological field workers. Digital tools have rapidly transformed the field, promising increased efficiency and novel perspectives on archaeological evidence. However, while digital methods have been celebrated, concerns have been raised regarding the impact of these technologies on archaeological practice and their potential to lead to the deskilling of fieldworkers by further streamlining archaeological documentation. Digital systems frequently emulate traditional paper-based methods without taking into account how these new data formats contribute differently to the analysis and dissemination of the archaeological record.

Using the Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) as a primary case study, this research evaluates the effects of digital recording on the production of archaeological knowledge. Previous studies of digital methods have largely focused on academic projects that lack the scope, impact or specific challenges faced by the large, ongoing commercial projects performed regularly at MOLA. To gain a holistic understanding of the role of digital methods in the field, the study uses a mixed-method approach to explore current practices of archaeological recording within commercial archaeology. By employing both qualitative and quantitative methods, the project will perform an ethnographic study of development-led archaeology that focuses on digital knowledge creation. As part of this research, an innovative, art-based research method known as "body mapping" is employed to delve into the complex interplay of mind, body, and practice in the context of digital technologies.

Araar, L., Morgan, C. L. and Fowler, L. (2023) ‘Body Mapping the Digital: Visually representing the impact of technology on archaeological practice.’. Zenodo. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8414320

profile photo of Leila Araar

Contact details

Leila Araar
Doctoral Researcher
Department of Archaeology
The University of York
Kings Manor