Accessibility statement

Jess Bates
Postdoctoral Research Associate


2022 - present: Postdoctoral Research Associate working on depositing the digital and physical archive material from the Flixton Island 2 excavations (2012-2014), a site dating from Upper Palaeolithic to Early Mesolithic located in the Vale of Pickering. 

2018 - 2022: PhD researcher at the University of York, my work explored ‘Making space: spatial and microwear analysis of flint tools associated with structures and settlement at the Early Mesolithic site of Star Carr’, supervised by Dr Aimée Little and Prof Nicky Milner.

2017 - 2018: MPhil at the University of Cambridge specialising in Archaeological Sciences. For my dissertation I applied ancient DNA analysis to investigate how biological identity and societal groups were expressed in the burial layout of an Anglo-Saxon cemetery in Cambridgeshire. Supervised by Dr Toomas Kivisild. 

2014 - 2017: BA in Archaeology at the University of York. My dissertation, entitled ‘A critical exploration of gender assignment to burial goods in the European Mesolithic and Neolithic’ was supervised by Professor Nicky Milner.

Departmental roles

Education and Outreach Officer, York Experimental Archaeology Research (YEAR) Centre

Contact details

Dr Jess Bates
Department of Archaeology
University of York
King's Manor
Exhibition Square