Accessibility statement

Emma Bryning

Research Project

Making marks, changing values: the contemporary significance of graffiti at historic sites

Supervisors: John Schofield (University of York, Archaeology) and Megan Leyland (English Heritage)

Funding: AHRC through the Collaborative Doctoral Partnership (CDP)

This collaborative research project with the University of York and English Heritage seeks to understand why historic graffiti matters and to whom, and whether under- standing graffiti creation today can help to better understand historic mark making in the past. The PhD will critically assess how graffiti at historic sites and more contem- porary examples are evaluated and interpreted, both within the heritage sector and by the wider public.

The project will look at historic graffiti at a range of English Heritage sites, predomin- antly across the north of England, whilst also exploring contemporary graffiti across the region. The aim of this is to create a better understanding of these marks as an historic resource and to then use this information to explore the impact that historic and contemporary graffiti have upon the values and perceptions of visitors and herit- age practitioners. A further aim of the project is to build a dialogue with contemporary graffiti artists to engage with historic sites and mark-making. This research hopes to bring innovative new angles to heritage interpretation, to share practice between artists and heritage practitioners, and engage new audiences through accessible heritage interpretation.

Emma Bryning

Contact details

Emma Bryning
Department of Archaeology
University of York
The King's Manor
