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Lizzie Wright
Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Fellow


Lizzie is a zooarchaeologist with wide ranging interests. She is particularly interested in prehistoric human-cattle interactions, but she has also worked extensively on material from a variety of other time periods and topics, from the Middle Pleistocene to the Middle Ages, from animal baiting to “rewilding”.

She received a BA in Anthropology and Archaeology at Durham University in 2008, followed by an MSc in Environmental Archaeology and Palaeoeconomy at the University of Sheffield in 2009. Her PhD, also undertaken at the University of Sheffield, explored the morphological variability of the European aurochs, and was awarded in 2014.

Since then she has worked on a number of research projects, as well as undertaking stints in the developer funded sector; working on Neolithic, Roman, Medieval and Post-Medieval projects, and combining zooarchaeological methodologies with biomolecular approaches such as stable and radiometric isotopes and ancient DNA. In particular she has continued to focus on ancient human-cattle interactions through three major projects: the Archaeological Institute of America funded Animal Husbandry in Prehistoric Portugal, which explored the mobility and diet of cattle at two major Chalcolithic settlements in southern Portugal (2015-16) and two European Commission funded Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships: LAKEBOS (2018-2020) and CatCoW (2022-2025) which explore changes in cattle husbandry during the late Neolithic period in Central and Northern Europe. It is this final project that brought her to BioArCh.

Lizzie is a large advocate for the field of zooarchaeology and its many applications, and is currently Secretary of the International Council of Archaeozoology (ICAZ), the main international organisation promoting zooarchaeological research and communication between zooarchaeologists across the world.

Profile photo of Lizzie Wright

Contact details

Dr Lizzie Wright
University of York
Environment Building
Wentworth Way
YO10 5DD