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Dr Lindsey Büster
Research Associate


Lindsey studied at University College London (2003-2006; BSc), the University of York (2006-2007; MA) and the University of Bradford (2009-2012), where she completed her PhD on Iron Age roundhouses in Scotland. Lindsey has since been a post-doctoral researcher (2014-2018) on the ENTRANS, Sculptor’s Cave and Continuing Bonds projects at the University of Bradford, before becoming a Teaching Fellow in European Iron Age Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh (2018-2019). She also co-directs fieldwork at the Covesea Caves, NE Scotland. 

Lindsey became a post-doctoral research associate on the COMMIOS Project in 2020. The project uses socio-cultural and scientific approaches (osteology, stable isotopes and aDNA) to understand Iron Age population dynamics, connectivity and mobility across Britain and the Near Continent.



In her previous post, at the University of Edinburgh, Lindsey led modules in Theoretical Archaeology, Conflict Archaeology and Iron Age Gaul, as well as serving as Fieldwork Officer and contributing later prehistoric content to large team-taught archaeology modules. 

She has also supervised undergraduate and postgraduate dissertations on topics including  the roundhouses of East Yorkshire, situla art, Iron Age weaving combs, and the impact of mass media on conflict archaeology sites, together with PhD theses on the lipid analysis of vessels from Iron Age Slovenia and Croatia, and the taphonomy of human and animal bone assemblages from the Covesea Caves.


Lindsey Buster

Contact details

Dr Lindsey Büster
Research Associate
Department of Archaeology
University of York
King's Manor
Exhibition Square