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Dr Hayley Saul
Senior Research Fellow


Hayley undertook her PhD at the University of York (2012 graduation), investigating prehistoric cuisine using lipid residue analysis of pottery, and plant microfossils embedded in ‘foodcrusts’. Following her PhD she undertook a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Postdoctoral Fellowship (2012-13) on the Japanese Archaeo-Ceramic Residue Research Strategy project (JARRS), a project that established the earliest use of ceramic technology. She began AHRC funded postdoctoral research with the Early Pottery in East Asia Project in 2014, before moving to Sydney, Australia, and taking up a Lectureship in Heritage Studies at Western Sydney University. Since 2015, Hayley’s research has focused on Himalayan heritage and archaeology, with particular interests in cuisine, bioculturalism, disaster and survivance. She strives to do research that is meaningfully engaged - with climate action, communities and industry partners. During her time at Western Sydney University this research commitment resulted in two leadership roles: Associate Dean International (South Asia), followed by Associate Dean Engagement (Acting). Hayley joined the Department of Archaeology at York in 2022 as a Senior Research Fellow and Deputy Director of the Leverhulme funded ‘Heritage for Global Challenges Research Centre’.


2021 - Associate Dean Engagement, School of Social Sciences, Western Sydney University

2020 - Associate Dean International (South Asia), School of Social Sciences, Western Sydney University

2018-2022 - Senior Lecturer in Heritage and Tourism with Western Sydney University

2016 - Lecturer in Heritage and Tourism with Western Sydney University

2013-14 - Lecturer in Archaeology (Fixed Term), University of York, Course Director for the MA in Mesolithic Studies, Acting Course Director for the MA in Early Prehistory.

2012 - Postdoctoral Research Felllowship, Jomon Archaeo-Ceramic Residue Research Strategy (JARRS), funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

Departmental roles

Deputy Director, Heritage for Global Challenges Research Centre

Hayley sitting on a rock surrounded by trees

Contact details

Dr Hayley Saul
Senior Research Fellow
University of York
King's Manor
North Yorkshire

Tel: 01904 32 (8748)