Postgraduate researchers
Sophia Anderson
Research interests:
Morpho-functional evolution of the mammalian scapula

Research interests:
Exploring the artefactual record of feasting during the Orcadian Late Neolithic
Research interests:
Heritage conservation in Algeria: Between consonance, dissonance and identity

Research interests:
Making marks, changing values: the contemporary significance of graffiti at historic sites
Research interests:
A ‘Room to Make a Row In’: A social and architectural study of the private theatre in Chatsworth House, 1828-1907
Vanessa Castagnino
Research interests:
Whitefriars: metal acquisition and object production at monastic houses in late medieval England
Alice Cao
Research interests:
Exploring the function of grinding stones using old and new methods
Isabelle Carter
Research interests:
Tracing ephemerality: an archaeology of squatters' settlements in rural England, 1550-1750
Virajitha Chimalapati
Research interests:
Cultural Heritage Led Climate Change Adaptation of Historic Port Cities of Monsoon Asia: A Belt and Road Opportunity
Ewan Chipping
Research interests:
How was the morphology of domestic cattle and aurochs affected by human husbandry and exploitation in Britain from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age?
Simone Chisena
Research interests:
Man looks at himself: an archaeological and ethnographic study of changing visual self-perception in European prehistoric societies through the lens of figurative art (40.000 BP - 2.200 BC)

Research interests:
The Role of Food Heritage in the Negotiation of Identity and Belonging among European Migrants to the UK
Research interests:
The study of dietary proteins found in food crusts on Mesolithic pottery

Research interests:
Characterising the Historic Farmsteads of the Lake District National Park and World Heritage Site
James Glazzard
Research interests:
The tools and techniques of the Viking-age non-ferrous metalworker
Drury Graham
Research interests:
Traditional Pasts and Visionary Futures: The Multidimensional Benefits at the Intersection of Rural Heritage and Agroecology
Lucy Handford
Research interests:
Functional development within the mammalian masticatory apparatus: an investigation into feeding capabilities with changing diets.
Nura Hassan
Research interests:
This project will explore diet and mobility among coastal populations of Somaliland from the 4th to 19th century CE. Using bioarchaeological approaches such as stable isotope and lipid residue analysis it will provide the first consideration of identity and religious change through an exploration of diet and mobility
Aimee Henderson
Research interests:
Lead roofing in English parish churches: its history, significance, and key challenges in addressing metal theft
Research interests:
Communities of Consumption: an integrated approach to ceramic function and foodways along the Swahili coast during the first millennium AD

Research interests:
My research focuses upon British woodland historical ecology over the Holocene.
I am addressing the question of how historical woodland management has affected woodland biodiversity in Britain.

Research interests:
Rebecca Jump
Research interests:
Iron Age burial practices in north-east and south-west Britain

Research interests:
Exploring the social mobility and influence of women in Roman public life from the 1st to the 3rd c. A.D
Anoj Khanal
Research interests:
Liquid landscape heritage and urban water scarcities in Kathmandu, Nepal
Veronica Lee
Research interests:
This project will explore medieval Baltic pike trade via a) synthesis of bone data, including size and body-part profiles, to assess preservation methods; b) stable isotope analysis to distinguish coastal vs freshwater pike and identify non-local catches. Alongside δ13C, δ15N & δ34S in bone, δ18O in pike teeth will be trialled as a novel proxy for catch region.
Shanshan Li
Research interests:
The Ideology behind Anthropomorphic Figurines: A Comparative Study of Southern Europe and North-Eastern China in the Neolithic Period (8000-2500 BC)

Research interests:
Redefining “Yorkness”: Provincialising Britain’s Migrant and Refugee Heritage
Katharine Macy
Research interests:
Modern Noise: How neurodivergent individuals create in different environments
Lucy Makinson
Research interests:
The extent of Mediterranean food cultures in Roman civilian settlements in Northern Britain. A study of three sites: Aldborough, Catterick and Brough on Noe.
Niamh Malone
Research interests:
Mobilities and Materialities: The complexity of movement for Disabled Individuals in Twentieth-Century England
William Marsh

Research interests:
Social Entanglement in Death: Interpopulation isotopic analysis between a mass grave and an attritional assemblage to assess social reactions to catastrophe from Medieval Leicester, England and Roman-Byzantine Ibida, Romania.
Elisha Meadows
Research interests:
CDA22008 The Melting Pot of Eboracum: exploring diversity and identity through the skeletal and burial evidence in Roman York.

Research interests:
Socio-economic changes from the Early (AD 350 - 1000) to Late (AD 1000 - 1550) Ceramic Period in Araucania region, Chile: new perspectives from organic residues analysis of ceramic artefacts
Research interests:
Stycas, kings and Vikings: the copper-alloy revolution in 9th-century England
Research interests:
Engaging the unengaged: Breaking down barriers of access to archaeology and heritage.
Research interests:
Archaeologies of Bereavement: The use of objects during grieving, 1850-1900

Research interests:
The changing nature of dogs in (post)medieval England: a bioarchaeological study of treatment, health, size, and diet across human social contexts

Research interests:
‘Patches of the endless forest’. Monuments, landscape and remote perception in the Early Neolithic of southern Britain.

Research interests:
Buildings Archaeology
Railway Buildings
Country Railway Stations
Conservation of Railway Heritage
Railway History
Architectural Analysis

Research interests:
Assessing the (Sub)cultural Heritage Significance of Grassroots Music Venues

Research interests:
Palaeolithic art within its landscape and the social significance of major art locations as aggregation sites
Pippa Pemberton
Research interests:
Tangled imperial roots: the 20th century journey of botanic gardens from colonial assemblages to sites of memory and global plant conservation
Research interests:
Following a thread: Tracing technology and techniques along the Silk Road

Research interests:
Evaluating Nuclear Heritage: New and Practical Approaches to a Complex Industrial Landscape

Research interests:
Galapagos Marine Plastics : How Can Archaeology Help Save the Archipelago (and the Planet)?

Research interests:
Chinese Porcelain, Building Environments and the Construction of Symbolic Meaning in Medieval Swahili Material Culture

Research interests:
Tracking the decline of Atlantic salmon in the Medieval North Sea basin

Research interests:
Purple White and Green: The Material Construction of Women's Suffrage 1832-1928

Research interests:
Coinage, Landscape and society in the borderlands: economy, politics and identity in Scotland and northern England 1136-1603
Jack Saxton
Research interests:
Archaeology of the Norman Conquest in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire
Shelby Schrank
Research interests:
Post-war Institutional Architecture: Unpacking Thoughtful Conservation Practices
Kirsty-Lee Seaton
Research interests:
Re-use of digital data in Archaeology
Shiyi Sha
Research interests:
From Memory to Cultural Heritage: How Does the Modern Expression and Interpretation of Cultural Heritage Reshape the Collective Memory?

Research interests:
Historic Construction and Approach to Integrated Conservation/Restoration Process: A Case of Bhunga Architecture, Kutch, Gujarat
Daniel Shaw
Wuyang Shui

Research interests:
Potting landscapes: a regional approach to the development of pottery production in 11th-13th century Yorkshire
Tondi Siregar
Research interests:
Archaeology as a Tool in Building Civil Society in Indonesia

Alex Slucky
Research interests:
Urban Silk Roads economies: a combined archaeobotanical and isotopic approach to exploring agriculture and subsistence in early Medieval Central Asia

Research interests:
“Vessels of the Past”: Intangible Maritime Archaeology in preserving Oceanic cultural memory through performance
Lauren Spencer
Research interests:
Accounting for Variation in Neanderthal Anatomy and Behaviour in Research: A Study of European Populations.
David Stapley
Research interests:
Historic Routeways in the Woodsmith Mine Corridor
Megan Stoakley

Research interests:
Informing our Heritage Future(s): Preserving our Digital Past(s)
Research interests:
Plastic Landscapes in the Hawaiian Islands: Coastal Heritage Under Threat

Research interests:
People and Places: Social Landscape Characterisation for inclusive and sustainable heritage management

Research interests:
The relationship between pelvic musculoskeletal morphology and male reproductive function, and its evolutionary context in hominins
Devakumar Thenchery

Research interests:
Living on the Edge: Precarity and Resilience in the Heritage of Fisherfolk and Fish

Ian Trumble
Research interests:
The Cotton Industry and the Growth of Egyptology: commercial agency through textile production in the development of Egyptology collections in the United Kingdom, with specific reference to Bolton Museum and Barlow & Jones Ltd. 1860-1940

Research interests:
Checkpoint Charlie: The Changing Values of a Cold War Heritage Icon
Jordi Ruiz Ventura

Research interests:
How has the COVID-19 pandemic influenced public participation and the creative economy within Chinese and UK heritage management: a comparative study of heritage institutions and arts festivals.
Qjan Wang
Research interests:
This research proposal aims to investigate the challenges and innovations of future heritage management in public participation and creative economic effects under COVID-19 situation.

Research interests:
Digital Public Archaeology in a Time of Crisis: investigating and improving the real world impact of online engagement in the UK

Research interests:
Hacking the Big Smoke: Alternate Reality Games and London’s Archaeology
Research interests:
Identifying complex death rites in the early Neolithic of central Europe, using a novel combination of archaeothanatology and histotaphonomy.
Nicholas Wilson
Research interests:
Tradition and transition: Burial practices in Roman Britain
Aster Wood
Research interests:
Before and after: how the societal transition after the fall of the Roman Empire affected the health of British people
Marie Woods
Research interests:
Breaking the Barrier to Museums' Unloved Objects: Collections in Crisis and a New Age of Engagement