Accessibility statement

Professor Ian Armit
Chair in Archaeology


Ian studied for both his undergraduate degree and PhD in the Department of Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh. After helping establish the Centre for Field Archaeology (now CFA Archaeology Ltd) at the University of Edinburgh, he left to join Historic Scotland as an Inspector of Ancient Monuments. Returning to academia, he took up a Senior Lectureship at Queen’s University Belfast in 1999 before moving to the University of Bradford as Professor of Archaeology in 2006, and subsequently to the University Leicester in 2018. He took up his current post of Chair in Archaeology at the University of York in 2019.

Ian’s research centres on the cultural archaeology of the European Later Bronze and Iron Ages, the role of conflict and violence in non-state societies, and the demographic and genetic prehistory of European populations. He has directed fieldwork projects in Scotland, France and Sicily and has also worked extensively in south-east Europe. He currently runs the ERC-funded COMMIOS Project.

Contact details

Professor Ian Armit
Chair in Archaeology
Department of Archaeology
University of York
The King's Manor