Accessibility statement

Dr Paola Ponce
Lecturer in Osteoarchaeology


Paola took her BSc in Biological Anthropology at Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina) in 2002 to then receive her MSc in Human Osteology and Palaeopathology at Bradford University in 2004 and her PhD in Palaeopathology at Durham University in 2010 with a Durham Doctoral Fellowship Award.

She worked commercially for Archaeology South-East (University College London) between 2012-2017 carrying out excavation and post-excavation assessment and analysis of human and cremated remains spanning temporarily from Neolithic to post-medieval times.

In 2017 she was appointed as an Associate Lecturer in Osteoarchaeology in the Department of Archaeology at the University of York where she teaches Practical Skills: Human and Animal Bones and contributes to World Archaeology: Settlements and Society, Introduction to Archaeological Sciences, the Archaeology of the Human Skeleton and Skeletal Evidence for Health in the Past.

Contact details

Dr Paola Ponce
Lecturer in Osteoarchaeology
Department of Archaeology, PalaeoHub
University of York
Wentworth Way
YO10 5DD

Tel: 01904 323900