Accessibility statement

Oliver Craig
Deputy Head of Department, Professor of Archaeological Science


Oliver obtained his first degree in Biochemistry and Genetics (Nottingham), an MSc in Osteology, Palaeopathology and Funerary Archaeology (Sheffield), followed by a PhD in Organic Geochemistry  at Newcastle. He has also completed a Marie Curie Fellowship at the University of Rome II, 'Tor Vergata'.  Oliver was appointed at York in 2007 and was previously a Senior Lecturer and Reader. He currently directs the BioArCh facility.

Departmental roles

Director of BioArCh

Deputy Head of Department (2019 - )

Ol next to map

Contact details

Professor Oliver Craig
Deputy Head of Department, Director of BioArCh
University of York
BioArCh, Environment Building
Wentworth Way
YO10 5DD

Tel: (44) 1904 328626 Archaeology