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Speed, G. and Holst, M. (eds) 2018. A1 Leeming to Barton. Death, Burial and Identity, 3000 Years of Death in the Vale of Mowbray, NAA Monograph Series Volume 4 (Barnard Castle)
Gowland, R.L., Caffell, A., Newman, S., Levene, A. and Holst, M. 2018. 'Broken childhoods: rural and urban non-adult health during the Industrial Revolution in Northen England (eighteenth-nineteenth centuries), Bioarchaeology International 2 (1): 44-62
Holst, M. & Alexander, M. (eds). 2018 Trends in Biological Anthropology, Volume 2 (Oxford)
Hendy, J., Warinner, C., Bouwman, A., Collins, M. J., Fiddyment, S., Fischer, R., Hagan, R., Hofman, C., Holst, M. R., Chaves, E., Klaus, L., Larson, G., Mackie, M., McGrath, K., Mundorff, A., Radini, A., Rao, H., Trachsel, C., Velsko, I. & Speller, C. F. 2018. ‘Proteomic evidence of dietary sources in ancient dental calculus’, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Holst, M. 2018. ‘Response to the paper by Redfern and Clegg by Malin Holst’, World Archaeology 49:5, 588-593, DOI: 10.1080/00438243.2017.1411825
Mackie, M., Hendy, J. R., Lowe, A. D., Sperduti, A., Holst, M., Collins, M. J. & Speller, C. F. 2017.
‘Preservation of the metaproteome: Variability of protein preservation in ancient dental calculus, STAR: Science Technology of Archaeological Research
Martiniano, R., Caffell, A., Holst, M., Hunter-Mann, K., Montgomery, J., Müldner, G., McLaughlin, R.L., Teasdale, M.D., van Rheenen, W., Veldink, J.H., van den Berg, L.H.,Hardiman, O., Carroll, M., Roskams, S., Oxley, J., Morgan, C., Thomas, M.G., Barnes, I., McDonnell, C., Collins, M.J. & Bradley, D.G. 2016. ‘Genomic signals of migration and continuity in Britain before the Anglo-Saxons’, Nature Communications
Buckberry, J., Montgomery, J., Towers, J., Müldner, G., Holst, M., Evans, J., Gledhill, A., Neale, N. and Lee-Thorp, J. 2014. ‘Finding Vikings in the Danelaw’, Oxford Journal of Archaeology 33(4): 413–434
Richardson, J. and Weston, P., with contributions by Alldritt, D., Carrott, J., Disbury, P., Foster, A., Holst, M., Makey, P., Manby, T. & Walker, A., 2014. ‘Earlier Prehistoric Activity and a later Iron Age and Roman Field System at Beacons Lagoons, Kilnsea, East Riding of Yorkshire’, Yorkshire Archaeological Journal 86: 3-32
Caffell, A. & Holst, M. 2013. ‘Human remains’, in L. Martin, J. Richardson & I. Roberts (eds), Iron Age and Roman Settlements at Wattle Syke (Leeds)
Bouwman, A.S., Kennedy, S.L., Müller, R., Stephens, R.H., Holst, M., Caffell, A.C., Roberts, C.A. & Brown, T.A. 2012. ‘The genotype of a historic strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109: 18511-18516
Caffell, A. & Holst, M. 2011. 2011. ‘Osteological analysis’, in Fenton-Thomas, C., Where Sky and Yorkshire and Water Meet, On-Site Archaeology Monograph 2 (York): 323-332
Richardson, J. with contributions byAlldritt, D., Barclay, C., Brooks, I., Carrott, I., Chernery, C., Cool, H., Cowgill, J., Didsbury, P., Evans, J., Fern, C., Gaunt, G., Hartley, K. Heslop, D., Holst, M. Manby, T., Morris, E., Wild, F. & Williams, D. 2011. ‘Bronze Age Cremations, Iron Age and Roman Settlement and Early Medieval Inhumations at the Langeled Receiving Facilities, Easington, East Riding of Yorkshire’, The Yorkshire Archaeological Journal 83 (1): 59-100
Holst, M. 2009. ‘The human remains’ in Ian Roberts, ‘Late Iron Age and Romano-British Settlement at High Wold, Bempton Lane, Bridlington, East Yorkshire’, The Yorkshire Archaeological Journal 81:47-137
Holst, M. 2009. ‘The human remains’, in J. Hart and E.R. McSloy, ‘Prehistoric and early historic activity, settlement and burial at Walton Cardiff, near Tewkesbury: Excavations at Rudgeway Lane in 2004-2005, in N. Holbrook (eds), Iron Age and Romano-British Agriculture in North Gloucestershire Severn Vale, Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Report 6: 48-54
Luke, M. with major contributions by Allen, C., Bates, S., Duncan, H., Holst, M., Macphail, R., Maltby, M., Pelling, R., Robinson, M., Slowikowski, A. & Wells, J. 2008. Life in the Loop: Investigation of a Prehistoric and Romano-British Landscape at Biddenham Loop, Bedfordshire, East Anglian Archaeology 125
Mays, S. & Holst, M. 2006. ‘Palaeo-otology of cholesteatoma’, International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 16: 1-15
Holst, M. 2005. ‘Human Remains’, in I. Roberts (eds) Ferrybridge Henge. The Ritual Landscape, Archaeological Services WYAS, Yorkshire Archaeology 10 (Leeds): 167-175
Holst, M. & Coughlan, J., 2000. ‘Dental Health and Disease’, in V. Fiorato, A Boylston and C. Knüsel (eds), Blood Red Roses: The Archaeology of a Medieval Mass Grave from the Battle of Towton 1461, Oxbow Books, Oxford, 77-89
Coughlan, J. & Holst, M. 2000. ‘Health Status’, in V. Fiorato, A Boylston & C. Knüsel (eds), Blood Red Roses: The Archaeology of a Medieval Mass Grave from the Battle of Towton 1461, Oxbow Books, Oxford, 60-76
Boylston, A., Holst, M. & Coughlan, J.2000. ‘Physical Anthropology’, in V. Fiorato, A Boylston & C. Knüsel (eds), Blood Red Roses: The Archaeology of a Medieval Mass Grave from the Battle of Towton 1461, Oxbow Books, Oxford, 45-59
Holst, M. 1999. ‘Schlacht um Englands Thron’, in Archäologie in Deutschland, 1/99, 58
Boylston, A., Holst, M., Coughlan, J., Novak, S., Sutherland, T. & Knüsel, C. 1997. ‘Recent Excavations of a Mass Grave from Towton’, in Yorkshire Medicine, 9 (3), 25-6
2023 Chidimuro, B., Doherty, S., Finch, J., Ponce, P., Eggington, J., Delaney, S., Speller, C., Collins, M.J., Holst, M. and Alexander, M. ‘North and South: Exploring isotopic analysis of bone carbonates and collagen to understand post‐medieval diets in London and northern England’, American Journal of Biological Anthropology
2023 Newman, S., Keefe, K., Heyerdahl,-King, I., Holst, M., Caffell, A. and Gowland, R.L. (forthcoming). ‘Growing Old in the Industrial Age: ageing, health, and social identity in elderly women (AD 18th -19th C)’, Bioarchaeology International
2023 Gowland, R.L., Caffell, A.C., Quade, L., Levene, A., Millard, A.R., Holst, M., Yapp, P., Delaney, S., Brown, C., Nowell, G. and McPherson, C. ‘The expendables: Bioarchaeological evidence for pauper apprentices in 19th century England and the health consequences of child labour’, PloS one, 18(5), p.e0284970
2023 Newman, S., Keefe, K., Holst, M.R., Caffell, A. and Gowland, R.L., 2018. ‘Growing Old in the Industrial Age: ageing, health, and social identity in elderly females (18th19th C)’, Bioarchaeology International
2022 Caffell, A., Ponce, P. and Holst, M. ‘Osteological analysis, Burnby Lane and The Mile’, in M. Stephens, Chariots, Swords and Spears, Iron Age Burials at the Foot of the East Yorkshire Wolds (Oxford): 168-191
2022 Keefe, K., Petersone-Gordina, E. and Holst, M. ‘Chapter 6. Human Bone’, in A Richmond, K. Francis and G Coates, Waterlands: Prehistoric Life at Bar Pasture, Pode Hole Quarry, Peterborough (Oxford): 237-248
2022 Chidimuro, B., Mundorff, A., Speller, C., Radini, A., Boudreault, N., Lucas, M., Holst, M., Lamb, A., Collins, M. and Alexander, M. ‘Isotope analysis of human dental calculus δ13CO32: investigating a potential new proxy for sugar consumption’, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, e9286
2021 MacKenzie, L., Speller, C.F., Holst, M., Keefe, K. and Radini, A. ‘Dental calculus in the industrial age: Human dental calculus in the Post-Medieval period, a case study from industrial Manchester’, Quaternary International
2021 Caffell, A. and Holst, M. ‘Human Remains’, in W. A. Boismier, E. Taylor, and Y. Wolframm-Murray (eds) Excavations at Stanground South, Peterborough: Prehistoric, Roman and Post-Medieval Settlement Along the Margins of the Fens (Oxford): 165-216
2021 Daniel, P., with contributions by Andrews, P., Caffell, A. Challinor, D., Dunne, J., Evershed, R.P., Gillard, T., Holst, M., Keefe, K., Leivers, M., López-Dóriga, I., Mepham, L., Petersone-Gordina, E. and Quinn, P.S. ‘“What are the dead for?” Bronze Age burials in a multi-period landscape at Bucklow Hill, Cheshire, Archaeological Journal,
2021 Keefe, K. and Holst, M. ‘Chapter 13, Human Bone’, in J. Philips and P. Wilson, Life, Death and Rubbish Disposal in Roman Norton, Norton Yorkshire: Excavations at Brooklyn House 2015-2016 (Oxford): 237-247
2020 Dodd, L., Ball, M., Ní Challanáin, M., Holst, M., Huckerby, E., Ingrem, C., Mason, D., Robinson, D. and Shotter, D. Excavations at Chester. The Northern and Eastern Roman Extramural Settlements: Excavations 1990-2019 and Other Investigations (Summertown)
2020 Siozos, P., Hausmann, N., Holst, M. and Anglos, D. ‘Application of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and neural networks on archaeological human bones for the discrimination of distinct individuals’, arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.14470
2019 Mace, T., with contributions by Vyner, B., Keefe, K., Holst, M., Walker, A., Elsworth, D.W. and Fitzpatrick, A. ‘A Bronze Age cremation cemetery at Jack Hill, Allithwaite’, Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society 19: 1-22
2018 Hendy, J., Warinner, C., Bouwman, A., Collins, M. J., Fiddyment, S., Fischer, R., Hagan, R., Hofman, C. A., Holst, M., Chaves, E., Klaus, L., Larson, G., Mackie, M., McGrath, K., Mundorff, A. Z., Radini, A., Rao, H., Trachsel, C., Velsko, I. M. and Speller, C. F. ‘Proteomic evidence of dietary sources in ancient dental calculus‘, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285, 1883
2018 Speed, G. and Holst, M. (eds). A1 Leeming to Barton. Death, Burial and Identity, 300 Years of Death in the Vale of Mowbray, NAA Monograph Volume 4 (Barnard Castle)
2018 Speed, G., Holst, M., Keefe, K. and Newman, S. ‘Death, burial, identity and beyond’, in G. Speed and M. Holst, A1 Leeming to Barton. Death, Burial and Identity, 300 Years of Death in the Vale of Mowbray, NAA Monograph Volume 4 (Barnard Castle): 600-656
2018 Holst, M., Keefe, K. and Newman, S. ‘Human remains’, in G. Speed and M. Holst, A1 Leeming to Barton. Death, Burial and Identity, 300 Years of Death in the Vale of Mowbray, NAA Monograph Volume 4 (Barnard Castle): 372-466
2018 Speed, G., Fell, D., Holst, M., Keefe, K. and Newman, S. ‘The prehistoric burials’, in G. Speed and M. Holst, A1 Leeming to Barton. Death, Burial and Identity, 300 Years of Death in the Vale of Mowbray, NAA Monograph Volume 4 (Barnard Castle): 22-40
2018 Gowland, R.L., Caffell, A., Newman, S., Levene, A. & Holst, M. ‘Broken childhoods: rural and urban non-adult health during the Industrial Revolution in Northern England (eighteenth – nineteenth centuries), Bioarchaeology International 2(1): 44-62
2018 Holst, M. & Alexander, M. (eds). Trends in Biological Anthropology, Volume 2 (Oxford)
2018 Holst, M. ‘Response to the paper by Redfern and Clegg by Malin Holst’, World Archaeology 49:5, 588-593, DOI: 10.1080/00438243.2017.1411825
2018 Keefe, K. and Holst, M. ‘Human remains’, in C. Ambrey, D. Fell, R. Fraser, S. Ross, G. Speed, and P. N. Wood, A Roman Roadside Settlement at Healam Bridge: The Iron Age to Early Medieval Evidence, Volume 1, Archaeological Narrative, Environmental Evidence, and Human Remains (Barnard Castle): 157-200
2017 Mackie, M., Hendy, J. R., Lowe, A. D., Sperduti, A., Holst, M., Collins, M. J. & Speller, C. F.
‘Preservation of the metaproteome: Variability of protein preservation in ancient dental calculus, STAR: Science Technology of Archaeological Research
2017 Alexander, M., Austick, J., Buglass, J., Caffell, A., Fackrell, M., Fackrell, K., French, M., Goodall, C., Gowland, R., Hart, M., Holst, M., Heyworth, B., Lister, A., Lister, M., Monaghan, C., Monaghan, M., Neal, S., Power, D., Robinson, C., Robinson, S., Speller, C., Waters, G. The Fewston Assemblage: Churchyard Secrets Revealed. Washburn Heritage Centre
2017 Jones, A.M., Brunning, R., Keefe, K. and Holst, M. ‘Recent radiocarbon dating and skeletal analysis of two log coffin burials from Yorkshire: Willie Howe and Towthorpe 139’, Yorkshire Archaeological Journal 89 (1): 61-74
2017 Fotaki, A. and Holst, M. 'Human Remains', in Burn, Z., Stephens, M. and Ware P., A Roman Military Camp at Jack Berry House, Injured Jockey Rehabilitation Centre, Old Malton Road, Malton, North Yorkshire, MAP Archaeological Practice Publications
2017 Holst, M, Caffell, A., Keefe, K., Newman, S. and Löffelmann, T. ‘York Osteoarchaeology Ltd’, in R. Power (eds), British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology Annual Review 2016, 18:40-41
2017 Thomas, J., with contributions by Addison, H., Beamish, M., Browning, J., Buckley, R., Cooper, L., Cooper, N.J., Holst, M., Johnson, E., Keefe, K., Monckton, A., Morgan, G., Radini, A., Sawday, D. and Small, R. ‘New light on Leicester’s Roman southern cemetery: Recent excavations at the junction of Oxford Street and Newarke Street, Transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society 91: 45-96
2016 Fotakis, A. & Holst, M. ‘Human bone’, in D. Williams, Excavations of the Onshore Cable Route for Westernmost Rough Offshore Windfarm East Riding Archaeologist 16: 91-94
2016 Keefe, K. & Holst, M. ‘Human remains’, in G. Glover, P. Flintoft, and R. Moore, A Mersshy Contree Called Holdernesse’: Excavations on the Route of a National Grid Pipeline in Holderness, East Yorkshire, Archaeopress (Oxford): 224-229
2016 Martiniano, R., Caffell, A., Holst, M., Hunter-Mann, K., Montgomery, J., Müldner, G., McLaughlin, R.L., Teasdale, M.D., van Rheenen, W., Veldink, J.H., van den Berg, L.H., Hardiman, O., Carroll, M., Roskams, S., Oxley, J., Morgan, C., Thomas, M.G., Barnes, I., McDonnell, C., Collins, M.J. & Bradley, D.G.. ‘Genomic signals of migration and continuity in Britain before the Anglo-Saxons’, Nature Communications
2016 Holst, M., Caffell, A., Keefe, K. & Ní Challanáin, M. ‘York Osteoarchaeology Ltd’, in R. Power (eds), British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology Annual Review 2015, 17:18-19
2014 Holst, M. & Sutherland, T., ‘Towton Revisited – analysis of the human remains from the Battle of Towton 1461’, in S. Eickhoff and F. Schopper (eds), Schlachtfeld und Massengrab: Spektren Interdisziplinärer Auswertung von Orten der Gewalt (Wünsdorf): 97-129
2014 Sutherland, T. & Holst, M. ‘Demonstrating the value of battlefield archaeology - war graves on ‘Towton field’: their location and excavation’, in S. Eickhoff and F. Schopper (eds), Schlachtfeld und Massengrab: Spektren Interdisziplinärer Auswertung von Orten der Gewalt (Wünsdorf): 87-95
2014 Buckberry, J., Montgomery, J., Towers, J., Müldner, G., Holst, M., Evans, J., Gledhill, A., Neale, N. & Lee-Thorp, J. ‘Finding Vikings in the Danelaw’, Oxford Journal of Archaeology 33(4): 413–434
2014 Richardson, J. & Weston, P., with contributions by Alldritt, D., Carrott, J., Disbury, P., Foster, A., Holst, M., Makey, P., Manby, T. & Walker, A., ‘Earlier Prehistoric Activity and a later Iron Age and Roman Field System at Beacons Lagoons, Kilnsea, East Riding of Yorkshire’, Yorkshire Archaeological Journal 86: 3-32
2014 Martiniano, R., Holst, M., McDonnell, C., Hunter-Mann, K., Collins, M. & Bradley, D. ‘Genetic Snapshot of Roman Britain Supports Diverse Ancestral Origins’, Poster Presentation for Biological Sequence Analysis, Oxford, July 2014
2014 Holst, M., Caffell, A., Keefe, K. & Fotakis, A. ‘York Osteoarchaeology Ltd’, in J. Appleby (eds), British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology Annual Review 2013
2013 Murphy, K. & Murphy, F. with contributions from Gibson, A., Davis, M., Keefe, K., Holst, M., Caseldine, A.E. & Griffiths, C.J. ‘The excavation of two Bronze Age round barrows at Pant y Butler, Llangoedmor, Ceredigion, 2009–10’, Archaeologia Cambrensis 162: 33–66
2013 Schlee, D, with contributions by Austin, L., Caseldine, A.E., Gibson, A., Holst, M., Parkes, P., Foster, A., Foster, L., Walker, A. & Carrott, J. ‘The excavation of Fan round barrow, near Talsarn, Ceredigion, 2010–11’, Archaeologia Cambrensis 162: 67-104
2013 Caffell, A. & Holst, M. ‘Human remains’, in L. Martin, J. Richardson & I. Roberts (eds), Iron Age and Roman Settlements at Wattle Syke (Leeds): 201-227
2013 Holst, M. & Caffell, A. ‘York Osteoarchaeology Ltd’, in J. Appleby (eds), British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology Annual Review 2012
2012 Bouwman, A.S., Kennedy, S.L., Müller, R., Stephens, R.H., Holst, M., Caffell, A.C., Roberts, C.A. & Brown, T.A. ‘The genotype of a historic strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109: 18511-18516
2012 Holst, M., Caffell, A. & Keefe, K. ‘York Osteoarchaeology Ltd’, in J. Appleby (eds), British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology Annual Review 2011
2012 Keefe, K. and Holst, M. ‘Human bone’, in J. Richardson, Iron Age and Roman Settlement Activity at Newbridge Quarry, Pickering, North Yorkshire, Archaeological Services WYAS Publication 12: 59-62
2011 Caffell, A. & Holst, M. ‘Osteological analysis’, in Fenton-Thomas, C., Where Sky and Yorkshire and Water Meet, On-Site Archaeology Monograph 2 (York): 323-332
2011 Richardson, J. with contributions by Alldritt, D., Barclay, C., Brooks, I., Carrott, I., Chernery, C., Cool, H., Cowgill, J., Didsbury, P., Evans, J., Fern, C., Gaunt, G., Hartley, K. Heslop, D., Holst, M. Manby, T., Morris, E., Wild, F. & Williams, D. ‘Bronze Age Cremations, Iron Age and Roman Settlement and Early Medieval Inhumations at the Langeled Receiving Facilities, Easington, East Riding of Yorkshire’, The Yorkshire Archaeological Journal 83 (1): 59-100,
2011 Holst, M., Caffell, A. & Keefe, K. ‘York Osteoarchaeology Ltd’, in J. Appleby (eds), British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology Annual Review 2010 12: 19-22
2010 Holst, M. ‘A comparative study of ‘continuity’ cemeteries in Yorkshire’, CBA Yorkshire Forum: 15-16
2010 Holst, M. & Caffell, A. ‘York Osteoarchaeology Ltd’, in J. Appleby (eds), British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology Annual Review 2009 11: 22-24
2009 Holst, M. ‘The human remains’ in Ian Roberts, ‘A late Iron Age and Romano-British Settlement at High Wold, Bempton Lane, Bridlington, East Yorkshire’, The Yorkshire Archaeological Journal 81:47-137
2009 Holst, M. ‘The human remains’, in J. Hart & E.R. McSloy, ‘Prehistoric and early historic activity, settlement and burial at Walton Cardiff, near Tewkesbury: Excavations at Ridgeway Lane in 2004-2005, in N. Holbrook (eds), Iron Age and Romano-British Agriculture in North Gloucestershire Severn Vale, Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Report 6: 48-54
2009 Holst, M. & Caffell, A. ‘York Osteoarchaeology Ltd’, in J. Buckberry (eds), British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology Annual Review 2008 10: 34-35
2009 Roberts, C., Betsinger, T., RH Steckel, C.S. Larsen, P.L. Walker, J. Blondiaux, G. Grupe, G. Maat, G. McGlynn, A. Papathanasiou, M. Teschier-Nicola, U. Wittwer-Backofen, A. Agnew, S. Assis, Z. Bereczki, B. Bertrand, TK.. Betsinger, M. Binder, S. Boulter, C. Bourbou, A. Boylston, M. Brickley, L. Buerli, C. Cooper, A. Coppa, J. Coughlan, A. Drozd, E. During, C. Eliopoulos, J. Eng, F. Engel, S. Fox, M. Furtado, G. Gerhards, S. Groves, K. Harkins, P. Holck, M. Holst, G. Hotz, R. Ives, T. Jakob, R. Jankauskas, J. Jennings, H. Justus, K. Kaminska, A. Kjellstrom, C.J. Knüsel, T. Kozlowski, A. Lagia, C. Lopes, S. Manolis, A. Marcsik, C. Marques, C. Moenke, C. Niel, S.A. Novak, F. Novotny, J. Peck, I. Potiekhina, B. Rega, R. Richman, F. Rijpma, J. Rose, J. Ruiz, P. Sannen, P. Sciulli, M. Smith, A. Soficaru, M. Spannagl, R. Storm, G. Stroud, E. Subira, D. Swales, V. Tristaroli, E. Tyler, S. Ulrich-Bochsler, S Vatteoni, V Villar, R. Wiggins, L.L. Williams,. ‘The history of European infectious diseases: skeletal evidence of tuberculosis, leprosy, and treponematosis’, in American Journal of Physical Anthropology 138: 222-223
2008 Holst, M. ‘Human bone: osteological assessment’ in M. Carver (ed) Wasperton Anglo-Saxon Cemetery,
2008 Luke, M. with major contributions by Allen, C., Bates, S., Duncan, H., Holst, M., Macphail, R., Maltby, M., Pelling, R., Robinson, M., Slowikowski, A. & Wells, J. Life in the Loop: Investigation of a Prehistoric and Romano-British Landscape at Biddenham Loop, Bedfordshire, East Anglian Archaeology 125
2008 Holst, M. & Caffell, A. ‘York Osteoarchaeology Ltd’, in J. Buckberry (eds), British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology Annual Review 2007 9: 34-43
2007 Cullen, K., Holbrook, N., Watts, M., Caffell, A. & Holst, M. ‘A Post-Roman cemetery at Hewlett Packard, Filton, South Gloucestershire: Excavations in 2005’ in M. Watts (ed) Two Cemeteries from Bristol’s Northern Suburbs. Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Report 4: 51-96
2006 Holst, M. ‘Human Bone Report’, Roman Occupation at the Former Starting Gate Public House, Dringhouses, York.
2006 Mays, S. & Holst, M. ‘Palaeo-otology of cholesteatoma’, International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 16: 1-15
2006 Holst, M. & Caffell, A. ‘York Osteoarchaeology Ltd’, in J. Buckberry (eds), British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology Annual Review 2005 7: 40-41
2005 Sutherland, T.L. & Holst, M. Battlefield Archaeology – Guide to the Archaeology of Conflict,
2005 Holst, M. Fishergate House Artefacts and Environmental Evidence: The Human Bone,
2005 Holst, M. ‘Human Remains’, in I. Roberts (eds) Ferrybridge Henge. The Ritual Landscape, Archaeological Services WYAS, Yorkshire Archaeology 10 (Leeds): 167-175
2004 Boylston, A., Novak, S., Sutherland, T., Holst, M., Coughlan, J. & Knüsel, C. ‘Archaeology and anthropology of medieval warfare: an investigation of burials from the Battle of Towton AD 1461’, Medieval History 10: 50-57
2004 Holst, M., ‘Human skeletal remains excavated or analysed by Field Archaeology Specialists Ltd in 2003’, in R. Gowland (eds), British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology Annual Review 2003 5: 27-28
2004 Dickinson, T. ‘An early Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Quarrington, near Sleaford, Lincolnshire: Report on excavations, 2000-2001’, Lincolnshire History and Archaeology 39: 24-45, with contributions by M. Holst
2003 Holst, M. Health in Medieval York: New Perspectives into Medieval Health through the Analysis of further Cemetery Populations, Poster Presentation at the Fifth Annual Conference of the British Association of Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology
2000 Holst, M. & Coughlan, J., ‘Dental Health and Disease’, in V. Fiorato, A Boylston & C. Knüsel (eds), Blood Red Roses: The Archaeology of a Medieval Mass Grave from the Battle of Towton 1461, Oxbow Books, Oxford, 77-89
2000 Coughlan, J. & Holst, M., ‘Health Status’, in V. Fiorato, A Boylston & C. Knüsel (eds), Blood Red Roses: The Archaeology of a Medieval Mass Grave from the Battle of Towton 1461, Oxbow Books, Oxford, 60-76
2000 Boylston, A., Holst, M. & Coughlan, J., ‘Physical Anthropology’, in V. Fiorato, A Boylston & C. Knüsel (eds), Blood Red Roses: The Archaeology of a Medieval Mass Grave from the Battle of Towton 1461, Oxbow Books, Oxford, 45-59
1999 Holst, M., ‘Schlacht um Englands Thron’, in Archäologie in Deutschland, 1/99, 58
1997 Boylston, A., Holst, M., Coughlan, J., Novak, S., Sutherland, T. & Knüsel, C., ‘Recent Excavations of a Mass Grave from Towton’, in Yorkshire Medicine, 9 (3), 25-6
1997 Boylston, A., Novak, S., Sutherland, T., Holst, M. & Coughlan, J. ‘Burials from the Battle of Towton’, Royal Armouries Yearbook 2: 26-36
Malin's research focuses on bioarchaeology, especially palaeopathology, with particular emphasis on weapon-related trauma. Malin has examined numerous battle-victims, including those from the battles of Heronbridge 613 and Towton 1461. Her research interests also include burial ritual, particularly multi-period cemeteries, which often span millennia.
Department of Archaeology
University of York,
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+44 (0) 1904 323972
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