Accessibility statement

James Taylor

I am a lecturer in the Department of Archaeology at the University of York and director of the MA in Field Archaeology. As well as delivering a range of masters level and undergraduate teaching, including contributing to the core teaching on the Digital Archaeology and Digital Heritage MSc programmes (directed by Dr Colleen Morgan and Dr Peter Schauer), I currently act as the Departmental Ethics Representative and am the Departmental International Coordinator.

I have active research interests in Neolithic Archaeology, the Prehistory of Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean, North Africa and the Near East, Theory and Method in Archaeology and Digital Methods in Archaeology (especially Applied GIS, Critical GIS and the impact of the 'Digital Turn' on archaeological practice) - see also my ResearchGate Profile. I am Co-Director of the Toumba Serron Research Project, an archaeological investigation centred on a Neolithic village in Greek Macedonia.

From 2012 to 2019 I was Co-Field Director of the Çatalhöyük Research Project, an important long term research project studying settlement on a Neolithic Tell site in Southern Anatolia. In this role I helped to coordinate and direct the excavation and general site logistics, management of excavators, development and implementation of excavation methods and post-excavation work.

Prior to this I worked as a professional archaeologist since 1998 and spent several years in the UK commercial sector, working first for Birmingham Archaeology (then B.U.F.A.U., 1999-2000) and then Pre-Construct Archaeology (London, 2000-2004). From 2004 I worked freelance for various large research projects; this gave me the opportunity to work extensively in Italy, Iceland, Turkey, Egypt and the Middle East.

Office Hours:

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Contact details

Dr James Stuart Taylor
Lecturer in Archaeology & Digital Methods
Department of Archaeology
University of York
The King's Manor

Tel: (44) 1904 323953