Harald is a trained objects conservator and archaeologist whose research on how pasts are used and constructed in the present - spanning collections, buildings and landscapes. His work is centred around museums, heritage and archaeology, with a particular focus on public participation and engagement – both in-person and online. Since completing his PhD on participatory approaches to caring for heritage places, he has worked on research projects exploring participatory practices in museums, creative approaches to heritage documentation, contemporary collecting and disposal in museums, how to care for heritage buildings in landscapes undergoing unavoidable change and how to understand and evaluate public benefit from development-led archaeology.
Departmental roles
In my research, I work to trace connections between theory and practice - how we think about museums, heritage and archaeology and how that relates to how go about our work in these fields. I am particularly interested in public facing and participatory work and most of my research is collaborative and participatory. In general, I am more interested in people than things and the present than the past. In addition to my interests in participatory approaches, I research heritage values and try to understand why things, places and practices are important to people in different ways. I’m particularly interested in understanding how these perceptions change and are impacted by change. As a result, I like to think of heritage as a process of recycling and am interested in how heritage and museums connect with issues relating to sustainability and change. A current list of my publications is available on my Google Scholar page.
Participatory Engagement in Safeguarding and Progressing Cultural Heritage in Museums 2024-2025
The Participatory practices in museums project investigates how museums are working to embed participatory practices and the perceptions museum staff have of these efforts. This is a collaborative project with Mahidol University, Thailand, where the York part of the project is focused around a survey and follow-up interviews with museum staff in the UK and Norway. Our Thai partners are delivering a participatory action research project with the Karen people in the Chiang Mai region of Thailand.
Principal Investigators: Harald Fredheim and Patoo Cusripituck
Funder: Mahidol-York Seed Grant
Bespoke, open, collaborative and creative approaches to heritage documentation (BOCCAHD) 2023-2025
The BOCCAHD project explores ways of questioning, opening up, remixing and creatively engaging with heritage documentation. Working with heritage sector partners based in Yorkshire, the project is centred around a series of public-facing and internal workshops to share insights from project members’ and partners’ research and practice.
Principal Investigator: Harald Fredheim (University of York)
Co-Investigators: Arran Rees (University of Leeds) and Clare Fisher (University of Sheffield)
Funder: White Rose Collaboration Fund
The Museum of TAT in Leeds
The Museum of TAT (@museumtat) is a collaboration between Harald Fredheim and Lynda Burrell (Creative Director at Museumand). Together, we collect unwanted, unused and unneeded museum items and work with creatives to find ways to give new life to these items by transforming them. Our first exhibition was at Leeds Industrial Museum, where we displayed pieces that Yorkshire-based creatives Alice Bradshaw, Alex Harwood and Clare Fisher had made for us, using deaccessioned objects from Leeds Museums and Galleries.
PI: Harald Fredheim (University of York)
Co-I: Lynda Burrell (Museumand)
Funders: York Impact Accelerator Fund and University of York Economic and Social Research Council Impact Acceleration Account
Available PhD research projects
I welcome applications from prospective PhD candidates with interests in the roles heritage, museums and archaeology play in society – and in particular from those who would like to pursue research relating to the following topics:
- participatory practices and engagement
- professional practice and volunteering in the heritage sector
- heritage values and significance
- heritage and museums in relationship to sustainability and change
- collections development and contemporary collecting
- heritage policy and practice
- public archaeology
Current research students
- Lora Lucas
- Lily Green (with Dr John Schofield and Dr Kathryn Bedford)
- Jin Fan (with Prof Lorraine Farrelly and Dr Daryl Martin)
- Qian Wang (with Prof John Schofield)
- Diana Unterhitzenberger (with Prof John Schofield)
- Marie Woods (with Prof Emma Waterton and Dr Jim Leary)
Former research students:
- Ashley Fisher (with Dr Sara Perry, Dr Gill Chitty and Dr Don Henson)
Year 3:
Presenting Archaeology and Heritage
Contemporary Issues in Museums
Museums, Audiences and Interpretation
External activities
Editorial duties
I have peer-reviewed articles for a number of academic journals including:
- Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites
- Heritage & Society
- Information, Communication & Society
- International Journal of Heritage Studies
- Internet Archaeology
- Journal of Cultural Heritage
- Journal of Heritage Tourism
- Journal of the Institute of Conservation
- Journal of Material Culture
- Memory Studies
- Museum & Society
- Norwegian Archaeological Review
- Planning Practice and Research
- Public Archaeology
- Studies in Conservation
- The Sociological Review
Invited talks and conferences
04/2024: Invited speaker at Åpningsseminar Sammen FF, Oslo, Norway.
11/2023: Invited speaker at Contemporary Collecting and Power, online.
04/2022: Invited Discussant at a Nordic TAG 2023 session titled Heritage at an Arm’s Length, organised by Herdis Hølleland and Elisabeth Niklasson.
09/2021: Invited keynote speaker for a FARO conference on participatory approaches to assessing significance and coping with profusion in museums, Mu.ZEE in Ostend, Belgium.
04/2021: Invited speaker for the GRASCA graduate school in contract archaeology at Linnaeus University (with Sadie Watson and Kate Faccia).
02/2019: Beyond Ethics of Convenience. Researching Digital Cultural Heritage: Ethics of Using Digital Media in Arts and Humanities Research. Manchester, UK.
10/2017: Positive Tips and Challenges of Being at the ECR Stage [Panellist]. AHRC Heritage Priority Area Postgraduate and Early Career Heritage Researcher Workshop, London, UK.