Accessibility statement

Prof. Dawn Hadley
Professor of Medieval Archaeology


Prof. Dawn Hadley is a medieval archaeologist and historian who has published widely on the society and cultures of early medieval England and the Viking Age. She has focussed, in particular, on issues of ethnicity, migration, gender, and childhood, and on funerary practices and settlements. Her expertise lies in interdisciplinary research, and she has a long track-record of integrating historical and archaeological evidence, and humanities-based approaches to the past with those drawn from archaeological science. More recently, she has developed collaborations with computer scientists to explore digital methods of analysing and disseminating information about medieval buildings and funerary practices. When taking the occasional break from being a medievalist, she also has research interests in nineteenth-century childhood and working-class society. Dawn has extensive experience of public engagement activities, working with theatre companies and digital design organisations to present her research to audiences beyond academia.



Dawn trained as a historian, completing her PhD and post-doctoral research fellowship in the School of History at the University of Birmingham. She has also taught medieval history at the University of Leeds. Most recently, she was Professor of Medieval Archaeology at the University of Sheffield, where she was also Deputy Faculty Director of Research & Innovation (PG matters) (2009-2013), Head of Department (2014-18), and Acting Vice President for Arts & Humanities (2017-18). She joined the Department of Archaeology and Centre for Medieval Studies at York in September 2018.

Departmental roles

  • Member of Departmental Research Committee

University roles

  • Director of the White Rose College of the Arts & Humanities
  • Member of the Centre for Medieval Studies

Contact details

Professor Dawn Hadley
Professor of Medieval Archaeology
University of York
Department of Archaeology
King's Manor