Accessibility statement

Caitlin Kitchener
Associate Lecturer in Historical Archaeology


I am a historical archaeologist who focuses on the themes of resistance, radicalism, and revolution. My MA dissertation examined the radical landscapes of the Peterloo massacre, winning the Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology’s Postgraduate Dissertation Prize. I recently completed a PhD - here in the department - which explored the identities and representations of radicals between 1815-1822. The thesis examined mass platform meetings, the emergence of female reform societies, and the punishment of radicals. I held a Doctoral Fellowship from the Humanities Research Centre in 2019. Outside of research, I am the chair for the LGBTQ network in the department and am interested in how queer theory can be utilised in archaeology. Throughout my PhD, I taught on a wide variety of modules, ranging from Archaeological Theory to Post-excavation to Empires of Improvement.

Head shot of Caitlin Kitchener

Contact details

Dr Caitlin Kitchener
Associate Lecturer in Historical Archaeology
Department of Archaeology
University of York
The King's Manor
Exhibition Square