Molly Hardman Wins Prestigious Prehistoric Society Undergraduate Dissertation Prize
News | Posted on Monday 4 November 2019
Dissertation title: Magdalenian Minds: An evaluation of the role of cognition in mobiliary art of the Magdalenian

Molly Hardman, an alumni and recent graduate of the department, has won the highly prestigious Prehistoric Society Undergraduate Dissertation Prize. Molly's research, entitled Magdalenian Minds: An evaluation of the role of cognition in mobiliary art of the Magdalenian, used a novel framework to explore the biography of diverse decorated magdalenian artefact categories, specifically contours découpé and barbed points, teasing out the cognitive insights through a close and detailed reading of variations in production, use, and deposition/fragmentation patterns. Molly was awarded her prize at a meeting of the Prehistoric Society in London by Professor Clive Gamble, president of the society. An abridged version of Molly's dissertation will be considered for publication in the prestigious society journal: Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, and a summary will appear in the society magazine: PAST.
Huge congratulations from everyone here at the department on an outstanding achievement, Molly!