Jessica Hendy Appointed as New Lecturer in Palaeoproteomics
Groundbreaking researcher in the study of ancient proteins joins BioArCh

Dr Hendy’s research focuses on the study of ancient proteins, and how these biomolecules can be used for understanding the past. She is interested in developing and applying proteomic methods to a diverse range of multidisciplinary projects, particularly in the study of past foods and diets. Her research seeks to characterise the culinary diversity of past societies, and in particular her research explores the antiquity and modern diversity of dairying practices, as well as food fermentation.
Hendy received a BA in Anthropology and Ancient History and a BSc in Chemistry from the University of Auckland in 2010. In 2015 she was awarded her PhD from the University of York, where she explored the application of ancient protein analysis to understanding ancient diets and disease. In her postdoctoral work at the University of York, Hendy explored the health and diets of individuals during the 18th and 19th century British Industrial Revolution through the proteomic and metagenomic analysis of ancient dental calculus, as well as the mechanisms of growth and mineralization of dental plaque and calculus. At the time of her hiring, Hendy was working on the ERC project DairyCultures in the Department of Archaeogenetics at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History.
Chair of Department Professor Nicky Milner states,
"We are absolutely delighted that Jessie will be joining us here at York. She has an exciting portfolio of truly ground-breaking research projects, using ancient proteins to investigate past dietary consumption practices and disease. We are all very much looking forward to working with her."