Elizabeth Castle Project to continue in 2019
The project has received funding for further investigation this summer

We are pleased to announce the Elizabeth Castle Jersey Project 2019 (ECJP2019), thanks to generous ongoing support from our partner, Jersey Heritage.
Located on a tidal island in the bay overlooking the island's capital, St Helier, Elizabeth Castle has a rich and complex history encompassing the English Civil War, the 1781 Battle of Jersey, and German occupation during WW2. In the Summer of 2019 directors Dr Dav Smith and Dr Matt Jenkins will build on the previous two seasons of work combining archival research, historic building recording, geophysical survey, excavation and digital heritage to help undercover and share the rich history of this important castle.
More information on ECJP2019 to come. For more information on the wider project check out our website at https://www.york.ac.uk/archaeology/research/current-projects/elizabeth-castle/#tab-1 or follow us on Twitter @ECJProject.