LCAB funded researchers, as well as academics associated with the Centre, collaborate and work on a broad range of topics. 

Our aim is to further understand societal and biological processes that underpin biodiversity gains, as well as losses, and inform and influence society’s response to these changes.

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Leverhulme Centre for Anthropocene Biodiversity

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Our associated researchers work in partnership with individuals, communities and policymakers around the world to make a positive difference.

Recent publications

Take a look at our publications list, which brings together a wide breadth of relevant outputs. Our researchers also regularly produce blog pieces, take a look at our news and views page to see the latest.

Pettersson, H., Lécuyer, L., Young, J., Stringer, L., Calla, S., Juhász, E., & Mólnar, Z. (2025). Who is local and what do they know? Braiding knowledges within carnivore management in Europe. People and Nature, 00, 1–10. 

Fernandez-Fournier, P., Carroll, T., Dornelas, M. & Mooers, A.Ø. (2025). Widespread and Diverging Patterns of Change in Local Phylogenetic Diversity. Diversity and Distributions, 31(2) e13948. 

Pettersson, H. (2025). Tillit, samverkan och rätt(vis) ersättning. En samhällsvetenskaplig utvärdering av pilotprojektet med DNA-inventering på järv i Norrbotten 2023–2024. [Trust, collaboration and just compensation. An evaluation of the pilot project with DNA monitoring of wolverines in Norrbotten 2023-2024]. LCAB 2025-1, Leverhulme Centre for Anthropocene Biodiversity, University of York, York, UK Trust, collaboration and just compensation (PDF , 6,702kb)

Woodhead, A.J., Kenter, J.O., Thomas, C.D & Stringer, L.C. (2025) How ecosystem services are co-produced: a critical review identifying multiple research framingsEcosystem Services, 71, p.101694.

Minter, M., Dasamahapatra, K.K., Morecroft, M.D., Thomas, C.D. & Hill, J.K. (2024) Reduced size in a montane butterfly at its warm range boundaries. Ecological Entomology, 1–6

Wilkinson, R. & Pickett, K. (2024) 'Our landmark book revealed the cost of inequality. Fifteen years later, things have only got worse' The Guardian. 23 July 2024
Gordon, J.D., Fagan, B., Milner, N. & Thomas, C.D. (2024) Floristic diversity and its relationships with human land use varied regionally during the Holocene. Nature Ecology & Evolution
Hoffman, T. & Gillson, L. (2024) Conserving the Karoo: Traditional approaches, new developments, and future challenges. In Walker, C. & Hoffman, T. (eds) Contested Karoo: Interdisciplinary perspectives on change and continuity in SouthAfrica’s drylands.  UCT Press, pp201-232
Langhammer, P.F., Bull, J.W., Bicknell, J.E., Oakley, J.L., Brown, M.H., Bruford, M.W., Butchart, S.H.M., Carr, J.A. et al. (2024) The positive impact of conservation action. Science, 384, pp 453-458
Pereira, H.M., Martins, I.S. et al. (2024) Global trends and scenarios for terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystem services from 1900 to 2050. Science, 384, pp 458-465
Noble, K., Huaccho Huatuco, L., Dyke, A. & Green, J. (2024). The Environmental Impacts of Cultured Meat Production: A Systematic Literature Review. In: Scholz, S.G., Howlett, R.J., Setchi, R. (eds) Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2023. SDM 2023. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 377. Springer, Singapore.

Kabora, T.K., Stump, D., Thomas, C.D. et al. (2024) Assessing inconsistencies in historical land-use reconstructions for Africa at 1800. Regional Environmental Change, 24 (55)

Blowes, S.A., McGill, B., Brambilla, V., Chow, C.F.Y., Engel, T., Fontrodona-Elsava, A., Martins, I.S. et al. (2024) Synthesis reveals approximately balanced biotic differentiation and homogenization. Science Advances, 10 (8).
Allen, B.J., Hill, D.J., Burke, A.M., Clark, M, Marchant, R, Stringer, L.C., Williams, D.R. & Lyon, C. (2024) Projected future climatic forcing on the global distribution of vegetation types. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B 379: 20230011
Gillson, L., Hoffman, M.T., Gell, P.A., Ekblom, A. & Bond, W.J. (2024). Trees, carbon, and the psychology of landscapes. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 39 (4) pp 259-367
Page, E., Queste, L.M., Rosser, N., Salazar, P.A., Nadeau, N.J., Mallet, J., Srygley, R.B., W. Owen McMillan & Dasmahapatra, K.K. (2024). Pervasive mimicry in flight behavior among aposematic butterflies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121(11).
Salisu, A.T., Barau, A.S., Carr, J.A. et al. (2024). The forgotten bread oven: local bakeries, forests and energy transition in Nigeria. Regional Environmental Change 24 (40).
Kabora, T.K., Stump, D., Thomas, C.D. & Beale, C.M. (2024). Assessing inconsistencies in historical land-use reconstructions for Africa at 1800. Regional Environmental Change 24(55).
Sands, P. (2024). Philip K. Dick’s Dr. Bloodmoney and the Species Politics of Risk. In: Castle, N., Champion, G. (eds) Animals and Science Fiction . Palgrave Studies in Animals and Literature. Palgrave Macmillan, pp.75–92.
Thomas, C.D. (2024) in Adam, D. Ditching ‘anthropocene’: Why ecologists say the term still matters, Nature News. 14 March 2024
Dornelas, M. (2024) in Greenfield, P. ‘Taking the pulse of the planet’: could we monitor biodiversity from space as we do the weather? The Guardian. 22 February 2024
Thomas, C. D. (2024) Interviewed by Tom Heap & Helen Czerski. Rare Earth. BBC Radio 4. 9 February 2024
Fagan, B.T., MacKay, N.J. & Wood J.A. (2024). Robustness of steady state and stochastic cyclicity in generalized coalescence-fragmentation models. The European Physical Journal B, 97(2), p.21.
Blowes, S.A., McGill, B., Brambilla, V., Chow, C.F., Engel, T., Fontrodona-Eslava, A., Martins, I.S. et al (2024). Synthesis reveals approximately balanced biotic differentiation and homogenization. Science Advances, 10(8), p.eadj9395.
Staerk, J. Colchero, F. Kenney, M. A., Wilson, K. A., Foden, W. B., Carr, J. A. et al. (2024). A decision framework to integrate in-situ and ex-situ management for species in the European Union. Frontiers in Conservation Science.
Payne, A.R.D., Mannion, P.D., Lloyd, G.T. et al. (2024). Decoupling speciation and extinction reveals both abiotic and biotic drivers shaped 250 million years of diversity in crocodile-line archosaurs. Nature Ecology and Evolution.

Earlier publications

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Leverhulme Centre for Anthropocene Biodiversity