Lauren Barnes

PhD topic title: Rewilding nature - a panacea for a biodiverse Anthropocene?

PhD supervisors: Professor Lindsey Gillson, Professor Piran White, Dr Hanna Pettersson and Professor Nathalie Pettorelli

Biography and research

My previous research focused on ecosystem restoration in tropical landscapes which aimed to balance the needs of people with landscape scale management to increase biodiversity and restore connectivity. This work led me to develop an interest in human-wildlife coexistence in social-ecological landscapes and the drivers of tolerance towards conservation initiatives.

My current research focuses on the ecological and societal benefits and costs of rewilding. Specifically, the biodiversity gains realised by different rewilding implementation approaches and how different groups of stakeholders feel connected to wilder landscapes.


The Leverhulme Trust

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Leverhulme Centre for Anthropocene Biodiversity