Andrew Gibson

PhD topic title: What is the relationship between biodiversity and information behaviour in Anthropocene ecosystems?

PhD supervisors: Dr Chris Lyon, Dr Simon Mair, Dr Amanda Rees

Biography and research

My work explores how the philosophy of information and cognition can improve our understanding of the Earth system. The central idea is that novel information processes distinguish the Anthropocene from the rest of Earth history. In particular, I am interested in the relationship between ontology – our core beliefs about the nature of reality – and biodiversity.

To apply this theory in a real-world biodiversity governance setting, my research will investigate the extent to which different systemic scales are represented in decision making in different types of agricultural enterprise.
Prior to joining LCAB, I completed a BA in Environmental Sustainability at the University of Leeds, followed by an MLitt in Environment, Culture and Communication at the University of Glasgow. Alongside these academic pursuits I have worked extensively at the intersection between ecology and society as a forestry, agricultural, and horticultural labourer.


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Leverhulme Centre for Anthropocene Biodiversity

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Leverhulme Centre for Anthropocene Biodiversity