News archive
Tropical forests in Africa’s mountains store more carbon than previously thought – but are disappearing fast
Scientists studying tropical forests in Africa’s mountains were surprised to uncover how much carbon they store, and how fast some of these forests are being cleared.
The past is in the past – why should we be looking back?
PhD student Alex Payne looks at how the geological record has a fundamental role to play in comprehending the modern world.
Simulating Speciation
Postdoctoral Research Associate Brennen Fagan looks at the subject of speciation and how different groups have tried to tackle it.
Could wider use of gene reserves protect rare species?
UK landowners and conservationists welcome wider-spread use of Gene Conservation Units (GCUs) to help protect some of the rarest plants and insects, research at the University of York has shown.
An Evergreen and Pleasant Land?
Pete Yeo, reconciliation ecologist and nature mentor, explores Britain's ecology through the lens of William Blake's poem 'And did those feet in ancient times'
Pandemic report reveals massive hit to the North of England’s health and economy
The Coronavirus pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on the North of England – leading to more deaths and greater social and economic hardship than any other region in England, according to a new report.
Leverhulme Centre moves into innovative new research space
The Leverhulme Centre for Anthropocene Biodiversity (LCAB) is delighted to announce that we've moved into a newly refurbished space in the Berrick Saul building on Campus West at the University of York.
Conservationists may be forced to relocate cold-loving butterflies over next 50 years, study reveals
Some of Europe’s native butterflies may have to be moved to colder climes if they are to survive global warming, a new study suggests.
After the crisis: two possible futures
COVID-19 is a horrible global crisis. Yet, like previous horrible global crises, including WWI and WWII, it also presents an opportunity and an obligation to rebuild our global society to adapt to changing conditions.