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York Alumni Make a Difference at Local Nature Reserve

News | Posted on Monday 17 June 2024

On the sunny afternoon of Saturday 8 June, York alumni, staff, students, and local community members came together for a rewarding sustainability volunteering day at Wheldrake Ings nature reserve.

A group of 20 people, a mix of alumni students and staff who are wearing outdoor clothes and sat outside at Wheldrake Ings nature reserve

The event was a fantastic opportunity for participants to engage in meaningful conservation work and connect with the natural beauty of the local environment at Wheldrake Ings Nature Reserve, just outside of York.

Led by Reserve Manager Fallon Mahon and others from Natural England, the day’s activities centred around the important task of removing Himalayan balsam, an invasive plant species threatening the biodiversity of the reserve. This hands-on conservation effort was crucial for helping native plants and wildlife thrive in the area.

After a productive afternoon of volunteering, attendees enjoyed a well-deserved coffee break, during which Fallon delivered an insightful talk about the history of Wheldrake Ings, the various conservation efforts underway, and the diverse wildlife the reserve is home to. His engaging talk provided a deeper understanding of the challenges and successes in managing such an important and beautiful natural space.

Around 20 people took part in the event, creating an enthusiastic mix of York alumni, university staff, current students, and members of the local community.

Speaking about what they enjoyed most about the day, one alum said:

"The peace and the beauty! And the fact that we were helping the reserve plant life breathe by taking out the invasive Himalayan Basalm."

This volunteering day was not only a great way for the York community to give back to the environment but also an opportunity to forge new connections and deepen our appreciation for local nature reserves.

The Alumni Sustainability Network look forward to organizing more opportunities for the York alumni community to get involved in sustainability efforts. Stay tuned for future events and ways to make a positive impact on our environment!