Nairobi PhD student wins 3-minute thesis competition

News | Posted on Wednesday 10 July 2019

Sister Mary Taabu, PhD student working on water purification at the University of Nairobi was the first winner at a special Three Minute Thesis competition in partnership with the University of York and the University of Ghana.

The Three Minutes Thesis event was hosted by the University of Ghana, and saw 10 students - five each from Ghana and Kenya - compete to win the vote of both judges and audience as they explained their research.

Students winning the first and second prize - Sister Mary from Nairobi, and PhD student Paapa Yaw Asante from Ghana - will both travel to York for further research as part of their prize.

The Universities of York, Ghana, and Nairobi, together with Rochester University in the USA, are all members of the Worldwide Universities Network. This event is part of a broader programme to enhance doctoral training.

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Africa Research Network, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD