1. What was the Default Retirement Age?

The Default Retirement Age (DRA) was a mandatory retirement age at which employers could dismiss individuals by reason of retirement. It was removed on 30 September 2011.

2. Can I still leave on my normal retirement date?

Although there is no longer a default retirement age you can still retire at the normal retirement date for your pension scheme. The legislation simply removed any compulsion for you to cease employment at a specific age.

3. If I want to continue to work beyond the normal retirement date what do I have to do?

No further action is required by you, you can simply continue working. It is expected that you will continue to perform the duties of the role to the expected standards. You will be required to draw your retirement benefits before age 75.

4. What if I want to retire?

You should discuss your intention to retire with your manager as early as possible. Once you have made your decision to retire, you should send a letter resigning from your post by reason of retirement to your line manager, giving your contractual period of notice.

You and your line manager should then complete the Leaver Form. This will begin the process of your retirement.

Once the Leaver Form has been submitted you will receive confirmation of your retirement from HR. This notification will also be sent to the Pensions Team who will notify the relevant pension scheme of your retirement.

5. When can I retire from?

You can retire and draw upon your retirement benefits provided that you meet the relevant criteria for drawing your benefits under the rules of your pension scheme and have attained minimum pension age. Minimum pension age is currently 55 but the Government is consulting on increasing this to 57 from 2028. Your retirement benefits may be reduced if you retire before your scheme's normal retirement age. There are differences between the University's pension schemes and therefore you should liaise with the Pensions Team to seek additional information on your retirement benefits.

6. Where can I get information on how my decision to retire will affect my pension?

Current employees can find information about how to obtain retirement benefit illustrations on the pensions webpages. You may wish to consider seeking advice from an independent financial adviser. There are a number of places you can access further information on financial advice:

If you have paid into the USS Investment Builder, The People’s Pension or paid money purchase AVCs in the University of York Pension Fund or NHS Pensions, you may also be able to seek specific guidance on your options when you retire from the government operated Pension Wise service.

7. What happens if I am on a fixed term contract?

Should you wish to retire prior to the end of your current fixed term contract, you will be managed in the same way as any other person on an indefinite contract. You will need to inform us in writing that you wish to retire giving appropriate notice accordingly.

8. What happens if I apply for a job at the University and am over 65?

You will be assessed on merit against the requirements of the role and person specification for the job. Your age will not be a factor in the assessment.

9. Can my manager ask me about my intentions with regard to retirement?

Yes, as part of the annual review process or at any other appropriate meeting your manager may ask about your short, medium and long term career plans. This type of conversation will assist with workforce planning, career planning and may include discussions concerning life planning, such as retirement.

10. If I have said I want to retire can I change my mind?

Yes – until the point at which you submit in writing your intention to retire, providing your contractual notice period and leave date. Once you have submitted your resignation/retirement letter, the University is under no obligation to allow you to continue working beyond your stated leave date.

11. Can I ask to work part time?

Yes, you can ask to work part time. You should note however that while there is a right to request there is no entitlement to part time work and any such request will need to take into account the operational demands of, and impact on, the Department. Your request should be made through the normal flexible working guidelines.

12. If I decide to stay on, will I be expected to perform the same duties to the same standard?

Yes, if you stay on in the same role you will be expected to perform the same duties to the same standards. There will be no change to your contractual obligations unless you request and have agreed flexible/different working arrangements (See question 11). If you change role you will be expected to perform the duties associated with the role to the standards expected by the University. If you change to part time you will be expected to perform the duties appropriate to the part time nature of the role to standards expected by the University.