Temporary Responsibility Allowance

A Temporary Responsibility Allowance (TRA) is paid where an employee carries out some or all of the duties of a higher-graded post on a temporary basis for at least four weeks.

Normally awarded for short periods only (eg to cover a vacancy temporarily), there may be some instances where a TRA is used for a longer time.

This could be to cover a long-term absence or to allow a department to defer a permanent restructuring to a more opportune time.

How is the level of the TRA set?

The amount payable as a TRA depends upon whether the employee:

  • carries out the full duties of the higher graded post, or just some of those duties
  • retains their full range of existing responsibilities

How do I request a TRA for one of my staff?

  1. Read the policy on Temporary Responsibility Allowances
  2. Discuss your plans with your HR Partner
  3. Complete the TRA request form

You will be updated on the progress of your request. All TRAs have to be approved by the Head of Department, HR Partner and Rewards Manager.