Marie Curie research grant funded posts are determined in yearly tranches (year of call) and include additional funding for individuals with dependant family commitments.

The grant is paid to the University in Euros and covers the whole employment costs (employer and employee costs). The employer costs include statutory National Insurance contributions and Employer pension contributions. The pay to the researcher is net of those employer deductions, is paid in sterling, the grant level determined in the year of call, and whether the individual has family dependents or not.

These are reviewed annually and new pay levels determined for further year of call research grants.

Year of call deadline


Researcher type No family Family
Marie Curie Doctoral Networks £48,780 £53,680
Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships £64,680 £69,260

*2024 rates may be subject to change


Researcher type No family Family
Marie Curie Doctoral Networks £40,340 £45,240
Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships £53,300 £57,870


Researcher type No family Family
Marie Curie Doctoral Networks £38,890 £43,150
Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships £50,090 £53,990

2024 Pay levels for Global Fellowships


Researcher type No family Family
Marie Curie Doctoral Networks £38,850 £43,740
Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships £50,830 £55,400


Marie Curie Doctoral Networks £34,950 £39,850
Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships £45,390 £49,960


Marie Curie Doctoral Networks £57,020 £61,920
Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships £76,180 £80,750

New Zealand

Marie Curie Doctoral Networks £36,530 £41,420
Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships £47,590 £52,160

South Africa

Marie Curie Doctoral Networks £25,370 £30,270
Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships £32,030 £36,600