PDR window extended to end of December 2024

PDR window extended to end of December 2024

It was previously communicated that a light touch approach to the PDR process would be taken once again this year, with the recommendation that PDR meetings happen during the usual window of July to October 2024, unless workload meant another, more convenient time was better for reviewers and reviewees.

Having listened to feedback, taking into account the VS scheme, the focus on Changing the Work, and reflecting on the current workload demands upon colleagues, the decision has been taken to extend the window for conducting PDRs to the end of December 2024.

Whilst this decision has been made, it is recognised that some colleagues will inevitably be finding things challenging at the moment. Therefore, it remains important to regularly engage with colleagues through team meetings and 1:1s, to support each other, provide updates, and gain feedback.

The 2024 PDR Process

PDRs provide great opportunities to talk on a 1:1 basis to provide feedback, discuss individual concerns, consider development opportunities, and talk about future plans, meaning it is critical that we continue to follow this process.

  • The window for PDR meetings to take place has been extended, so should take place between July and December 2024.
  • Everyone is encouraged to reduce the administration around the PDR process this year. HR will not request ratings data, but departments may still wish to hold coordination meetings in advance of the cycle to agree on who is reviewing whom.
  • Colleagues should, if they wish, use the standard PDR forms as a prompt to structure their discussion. Colleagues may choose to just capture key headlines, the focus should be on a quality two way conversation, rather than doing a comprehensive written record on the form.
  • There is no requirement for reviewers and reviewees, including senior managers, to assign, discuss or submit ratings, unless both individuals agree this is a valuable part of the discussion.
  • As part of our commitments to the Technician Commitment Action Plan and the Researcher Development Concordat, early career researchers, postdocs and technicians have ten days per PDR year to engage in development activities, we would recommend including these in your discussions.

We encourage managers to take the best approach for the needs of their team while taking a supportive, but administratively light touch, approach.

You can find detailed PDR guidance for reviewers and reviewees on the HR webpages.