An update on promotion and pay schemes in light of University finances

As a result of a particularly challenging time for higher education, York has moved quickly to put in place a series of measures to address our financial resilience.

You can find out more about the steps the University is taking to return to surplus on our University finance pages.

We have received lots of questions about our approach to promotion and pay awards, set to run over the coming months, and whether we will pause these schemes to support our collective efforts to manage our costs.

After careful consideration, our Academic Promotions Committee and Remuneration Committee have agreed the following schemes will be placed on pause:

  • Professorial Promotion for 2024/25, for promotions into band 2 and 3 and applications to cross the bar in band 1
  • Professorial Pay for 2024/25
  • Launch of the new Academic Promotions scheme for the 2024/25 round and associated changes planned for June 2024.

The opening of the new Academic Promotions scheme and the professorial pay and promotion schemes will be reconsidered in September 2024, when we have a better understanding of the outcomes from the the Voluntary Severance / Voluntary Severance with Early Retirement scheme and our plans to reduce operating costs.

The review in September will also take into account the Rewarding Excellence scheme, to ensure consistency of approach across the University.

We will not be running Academic Promotions to the old timetable, criteria and process.

Please note that our current Academic promotions 2023/24 process (up to and including Professorial band 1) is in the final stages. We will therefore conclude this scheme and will confirm outcomes shortly.

Making the Difference Awards, which run at different points throughout the year, may also continue at the discretion of the Department.