We understand that it can be time consuming to gain shortlist approval and organise recruitment panels when you are reliant on the availability of a small number of senior staff. We have reviewed the requirements for shortlisting approvals and panel composition and made some changes to make the process simpler.
Grade 7 recruitment
The following changes have been made for grade 7 recruitments:
- Grade 7 shortlists no longer require the sign of the Dean or Associate Dean. Instead shortlists can be approved by the Head or Deputy Head of School/Department.
- For Teaching and Academic posts at grade 7, the panel should be chaired by the Head or Deputy Head of an external School/Department. With an external Chair in place, there is no longer the requirement to have an additional external representative on the panel.
- For grade 7 Research posts there is no longer the requirement to have an external departmental representative.
Grade 8 recruitment
- For grade 8 recruitments, if the Chair is from a different Faculty, then there is no longer the requirement to have an external departmental representative.
Drawing on previous experience
On occasion it may be that there is no Head or Deputy Head of Department available to Chair a panel. Therefore former Heads or Deputy Hods, Institute Directors or Professors can be asked to Chair the panel. This should only happen by exception and where the individual has experience chairing panels and has completed the University's recruitment and selection training in the last 12 months.
Equality considerations
It is essential that all panels continue to have a gender balance and that all members continue to follow the equality and diversity guidelines including:
- treating candidates fairly, equitably and efficiently, with respect and courtesy
- completing the University's equality and diversity training