Our University Strategy 2020-2030 says: 'We will eliminate gender, disability and ethnicity pay gaps.' In order to make this a reality, the University is mobilising a new Pay Gap Working Group.

The group will be courageous in their thinking, generating ideas and utilising data to create a bold action plan to tackle the University's pay gaps. This is not an easy task and we need colleagues with passion and expertise to help drive activity forward.

The group will be led by Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Partnerships and Engagement, Professor Kiran Trehan and will include members from HR, the Equality and Diversity Team and the campus Trade Unions. Student voices will be represented by colleagues from the Access and Outreach team and the group will regularly draw on the expertise and insight from the staff equality networks.

Interested in joining the group?

We are seeking additional members to join the pay gap working group:

  • member(s) of the academic community who can bring academic expertise in the field of pay gaps
  • member(s) of professional support / technical staff who can bring their insight, enthusiasm and ideas

Working group members will need to attend a 2 hour meeting every 6 weeks and will be required to contribute to activity in between meetings, such as: generating ideas, researching examples from other organisations, seeking feedback, liaising with networks etc. We hope to hold the first Pay Gap Working Group meeting in January 2023.

Please read the draft terms of reference for the working group for more information.

Complete the short expression of interest form by 5pm Wednesday 14 December

We'll give careful consideration to all the expressions of interest received. Depending on the level of interest we may need to undertake a brief selection process, if this is required we will share details in due course. Thank you for your interest in helping with this hugely important work.