Since March we have been asking staff to report absences relating to coronavirus to the University through a dedicated online form.
We are now changing this form. From 27 July, you only need to complete this form if you:
- have tested positive for coronavirus
- have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus (including if you have been contacted by the NHS Track and Trace Service)
- have recently developed coronavirus symptoms
Staff can report any of these events at
What will you do with this information?
We will use the data reported to:
- ensure that appropriate steps are taken to reduce any risk for anyone else who has returned to campus (for example by closing or cleaning locations where someone with coronavirus was working)
- meet our statutory duty to report outbreaks of coronavirus to Public Health England
- contribute to the University's monitoring of the overall incidence of coronavirus among members of the University
Reporting sickness absence
We will stop using the online form to receive details of coronavirus-related absences from work.
From 27 July you should report any absence connected to coronavirus to your line manager.
This might be a period of sickness absence, or a period of self-isolation that stops you coming to work on campus. Do this through your department’s normal absence procedures.