All events listed below are drop-in, there no need to book.

Events focused on mental health and support

Recognising the signs of stress and what to do with that information!

  • Where: H/G21 (Heslington Hall)
  • When: 13:00 - 14:00

This interactive session, supported by Lucy Baldwin and Cat Adlam from The Retreat, a local mental healthcare provider, will allow individuals to consider the common physical and mental manifestations of stress and - more importantly - how you can respond to these signs

Introduction to Men's Health@York

Please note the amended time and location of this session.

  • Where: H/G21 (Heslington Hall)
  • When: 12:30 - 13:00

Men's Health@York is an initiative which focuses on the improvement of men's health. Its aim is to encourage men to get together, take part in activities and support others to talk about physical and mental health issues. Come along and find out more!

Post session information

After both of these sessions, there will be information available about the University's Employee Assistance Provider, Health Assured, in room H/G09.

Events focused on staff supporting students

The University is first and foremost a community of people, so a whole university approach that considers everyone's mental health is recommended by both Universities UK in their Stepchange approach and also in the new University Mental Health Charter from Student Minds.

For this University Mental Health Day, we are including invitations to talks relating to student support initiatives, to provide better awareness of resources for staff in support roles, or those who provide a signposting service.

An Introduction to college wellbeing workshops

  • Where: LFA144 (Harry Fairhurst Building)
  • When: 12:00 - 12:30
  • Speaker(s): Rosie Evans, Tutor, Langwith College

Find out how these workshops (designed by the Open Door Team) can help students manage and maintain good mental health and give them the skills to better manage the impacts of stress. Currently centrally offered, these sessions can also be provided to individual departments on request, so come along and find out more. (There is also free pizza!).

Managing Deadlines - and your life!

  • Where: The Treehouse (Berrick Saul)
  • When: 12:00 - 12:25
  • Speaker(s): Dr Poppy Nash, Psychology in Education Research Centre (PERC)

Dr Poppy Nash will give an overview of how student wellbeing is supported and enhanced within the Department of Education, where wellbeing sessions are timetabled as part of student preparation for study.

Introduction to the PhD survival guide

  • Where: The Treehouse (Berrick Saul)
  • When: 12:30 - 12:55
  • Speaker(s): Jamie Khoo, PGR Liaision Officer

Come along and find out about the PhD Survival Guide Project, a resource created by students for students based on what they wished they had known right from the start of their PhD journeys. From information resources to student-led workshops, find out how this project can help support students with their PhD journey.

Colleges: What are they and how do they support students?

  • Where: The Treehouse (Berrick Saul)
  • When: 13:00 - 13:25
  • Speaker(s): Auriel Hamilton, Halifax College Manager

This session aims to help staff visualize and identify with College communities at the University, understand how they impact on the student experience and what support they can offer students. This will be followed by a Q&A session. This session will be of particular interest to academic or professional support staff who have student-facing roles, but all staff are welcome who wish to find out more about this unique aspect of our university.

Introduction to The Wellbeing Thesis

  • Where: The Treehouse (Berrick Saul)
  • When: 13:30 - 14:00
  • Speaker(s): Susanna Broom, York Graduate School

This session will provide a brief introduction to this collaborative project from the University of Derby, King's College London and Student Minds. The Wellbeing Thesis is a web resource providing information to improve the mental health of Postgraduate research students, considering the whole postgraduate research experience and supporting positive cultural change towards good mental health.