Learn about cardiac arrest and how to give CPR

York based SeBeau Health Visiting and Mini First Aid have come together with the joint aim of providing CPR training to as many people as possible free of charge.

This training is suitable for those who have never had any CPR training and can also be used as a refresher for those who have attended previous training. Delivered in a relaxed environment there is opportunity and equipment available for individuals to practice their new found skills. However this is optional as it is not an assessed and certificated training course.

This free training takes 30 minutes and will be delivered at:

  • James Hall, Heslington West 10.30-11am
  • James Hall, Heslington West 11.30am-12pm
  • Heslignton East Campus ( Piazza RM 106) 2.30pm-3pm
  • Heslington East Campus (Piazza Rm106) 3.30pm-4pm

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