New changes to 2020-2021 academic promotions process

On 22 October 2019 University Senate approved proposals to make changes to the academic promotions process. The changes will take effect from the annual process that commences in 2020. There are no changes to the 2019-2020 academic promotion process that is already underway.

The key principle underpinning these changes is to retain the quality and integrity of the promotion process and criteria but remove, improve and/or clarify processes and tasks that currently do not add value, or create potential equality barriers to applications. The proposals do not entail any changes to the criteria for promotion.

These changes focus on the following areas:

  • Improved support and guidance to academic promotion panels and applicants to ensure that all academic colleagues are supported and encouraged in progressing their career.
  • Improved presentation of the process, policy and criteria to improve the accessibility and transparency of the process.
  • Further clarification of the role of Reader and the requirements for this level
  • A reduction in the length of the annual process to enable applicants to receive outcomes earlier
  • Introduction of a clearer and more helpful CV template

Activity is underway to enable the changes to be incorporated into the 2020-21 Academic Promotions cycle. Although this cycle doesn't formally commence until August 2020, it is appreciated that colleagues commence consideration for promotion and preparation many months in advance and therefore plans are being developed to ensure awareness and information are provided in a timely manner.

Further updates will be provided as this work develops. If you have any questions regarding the academic promotions process please email