The following guidance is suggested for any managers with new staff due to start work during the period where working from home (WFH) is required by the government.

If you have any specific questions in relation to this or one that is not covered below, please contact your department's HR Adviser.

Start date

  • If a verbal or written offer of employment has been made to a candidate who was successful at interview, then the University is honouring the offer of employment but start dates may need to be reviewed.
  • In some cases (eg where the candidate is internal or has not yet resigned from their current role at another organisation) it may be possible to delay the start, if this is amenable to both parties. Please speak to your HR Adviser for further support with this.

Right to work checks

  • All new starters must have a Right to Work (RtW) check. UKVI rules state that this must happen in person prior to starting work. In some cases we are able to undertake a full right to work check using the Home Office online system and a video call. For others we will need scanned copies of documents and a conference call followed by a check of the original documents, before they undertake any work in the UK. We will contact all new starters prior to their start dates to arrange for their right to work check to be done remotely.
  • If the circumstance arises where the new starter is based overseas and cannot enter the country, please speak to your HR Adviser as a priority. Additional issues will have to be considered for staff in this category.

Access to IT Facilities

  • A username and password should be provided as normal by the manager or departmental People Database administrator. IT support can also be reached by email or by phone on (01904 32) 3838.
  • Arrange for IT equipment using your usual process. Email for advice on how to obtain equipment you don't already have.
  • Check what other equipment may be needed. For example, they may have an office chair at home but not a keyboard. Do they need a work mobile or can they use a headset and Circuit/Google Meet? Do they have a reliable and secure internet connection?
  • Assess whether they should be using the VPN (University owned equipment) or the VDS (individual's own equipment) when working with University files, drives etc. On their first morning talk them through how to access and use the relevant service.
  • Ensure they are given access and permissions to key files, drives and have relevant software installed on computer hardware. Ensure they have knowledge of how to get IT support.
  • Arrange for the items to be dropped off to them, being mindful of social distancing guidance when doing so. Alternatively they may be able to pick items up from the University, but opportunities to arrange this may be limited during the WFH period.
  • Help them to set up their WFH arrangements in line with the DSE advice.

Payroll and bank details

  • New starters are asked to provide bank details as part of the online acceptance process so payroll should already hold these details. Bank details can be viewed using MyView. For any changes to bank details please contact payroll.
  • P45 documents from previous employers can be scanned or photographed and sent to payroll ( electronically. If this will be an issue, please contact Payroll.
  • If the employee doesn't have a P45, a Starter Checklist form ( can be completed and submitted instead.


  • Ensure you have up to date contact information for the new starter and ask them to add this to MyView as a priority.
  • Check if there are any other factors that affect them while working during the health protection measures (coronavirus), such as childcare responsibilities.
  • Particular attention should be paid to any additional support or adjustments that may be required for your new starter and a discussion around any disability or health condition should take place. Further guidance can be found on the webpage: new member of disabled staff journey.
  • Make them aware of key processes (eg probation, sickness absence reporting procedure, expenses).
  • For all other aspects the new starter should be treated in relation to the guidance the University is following for other members of staff.
    • For example, if they are unwell or need to self-isolate then they should be treated the same as for any other staff member, even if this occurs on day one of their contract.
  • As far as feasibly possible, try to undertake the tasks outlined in the University induction pages, particularly those outlined on the induction checklist. Also complete any local departmental induction processes, adapting as necessary.
  • In line with the expectations of probation, objectives should still be set for this period and should be reviewed in line with policy. The objectives might, understandably, be different to normal and may need adjusting. It is therefore important to regularly review progress and provide feedback to the new member of staff.

Keeping in touch

  • As their manager, arrange to speak to them regularly, everyday if possible, during the first few weeks. Ensure they have a second point of contact for days when you don't work or are unavailable.
  • The Equality and Diversity team have developed a checklist for managers, encouraging an open and positive dialogue about disability. Managers are encouraged to use this document to help guide and shape their discussions with staff, as it helps to put welfare needs and practical adjustments at the heart of the conversation. Make a copy of the encouraging positive conversations checklist.
  • Check in on their wellbeing as for any other member of staff. Make them aware of employee assistance scheme. Change at any time can be stressful, but particularly during a national emergency.
  • Ensure they are added to any key Google Groups so they receive up to date information as other staff members do.
  • Add them to any regular/key team and/or departmental meetings.
  • Make them aware of key communications (e.g VC's daily email, weekly Staff Digest) and the importance of reading these.
  • Ensure they are set up on key communication tools that your department uses regularly and given guidance on how to use these (eg Gmail, Google Meet, Circuit, Slack).

Meeting the team

  • Arrange for the new starter to meet the team virtually as soon as possible using a tool such as Google Meet.
  • Providing a team/departmental structure chart will also be helpful.
  • Arrange for a 'buddy' to be available on a regular basis, ideally throughout the working day (eg via Slack messaging) and/or with a regular catch up call.
  • Arrange for them to speak to other key contacts (eg their equivalent role in another department) if possible.


  • Mandatory training can be completed via the LMS. Make the new starter aware of the courses they must complete.
  • Review of departmental guidance and policies
  • Consider other training - can another team member remotely talk them through a key system or task using phone/Google Meet and screen sharing technology?

Work tasks

  • This will largely depend on the work carried out by your department, the role the employee has been appointed to and the current priorities for the team in the present climate. Departments will be best placed to understand the details of each job function and what tasks are achievable remotely.
  • As far as possible, arrange for the new starter to undertake the usual tasks expected in their role. Make them aware that other, non-standard, work may be undertaken to support the rest of the team, department or University and that this may change at short notice.

Actions needed when working resumes on campus

  • Where required, arrange for a full right to work check to be completed.
  • Ensure they obtain an ID card from the Information Centre as a priority.
  • Arrange a walk around to show them key office facilities (eg toilets), fire exits and to physically meet colleagues.
  • Double check all actions from the induction checklist have been completed.
  • Follow up on the outstanding issues that you have not previously covered due to remote working.