Recording the absence

  1. When an employee who is sick contacts you, begin completing a sickness absence form [docx]
  2. Maintain contact with the employee where possible
  3. Forward any medical certificates to Payroll:
    • Absences of 7 calendar days or less don't require a Statement of Fitness for Work (or 'Fit Note').
    • Absences of 8 calendar days or more require certification by a healthcare professional [1]. Make sure that your employee is aware they need a Fit Note if their absence is going to continue for 8 days or more.

    (All sickness, whether certified or not, will be accepted as justification for absence. If exceptionally you have reasonable grounds to suspect that a reported sickness absence is not genuine, you should take advice from HR Services.)

  4. Make sure the employee is listed on your department's weekly absence report for Payroll [doc] and the reason for absence recorded
  5. When the employee returns hold a return to work discussion (see below). Complete the return to work discussion form
  6. If an employee returns from sickness absence on a phased basis make sure that the days when they do not work are recorded as sickness absence on your department's absence report for Payroll [doc].


  1. Doctor, nurse, occupational therapist, pharmacist or physiotherapist.