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Bin the bin

Bin the bin is a University campaign aimed at increasing recycling, reducing waste generation and making us all more conscious of how we use resources and dispose of our waste. To achieve this, the plan is to remove individual desk bins where possible and replace them with centrally located recycling bins.

How it works

We are planning to introduce or increase the number of bins for dry mixed recycling (plastic bottles, cans, paper and cardboard) alongside general (non-recyclable) waste. These bins will replace individual under desk bins which will be removed from work areas and offices. We'll liaise with departments to agree the location and number of recycling bins, based on assessments of department need and building layouts

By removing individual desk bins and increasing the number of centrally located, easily accessible recycling stations, we hope to encourage our community to separate recyclables, ultimately reducing the negative impact of our waste.

The benefits

Our Bin the bin campaign is directly linked to strategic goals in our Sustainability Plan:

  • minimise the impact of our waste creation
  • reduce waste volumes from campus by 10% by 2025

We have a commitment to increase recycling to 70% by 2025. 

In addition to the positive environmental benefits, this change will enable our cleaning teams to work more efficiently, and focus on other aspects of their role.  

How you can help

Sustainability sits at the heart of our strategic direction and this is one of many significant steps toward making a positive behavioural change. By working collaboratively on campaigns such as Bin the Bin, our community can make a real and significant environmental impact.

So give up that desk bin and use the recycling stations provided.


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Sustainability at York

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Sustainability at York