Register your space: Play for the Planet
Posted on 29 January 2024
Join Play for the Planet at the University of York on 22 April to explore the role of games in environmental education, research and public engagement. The day offers opportunities to learn, play, discuss common challenges and identify new directions in games research and practice. Those with an interest in game design and research in the context of the climate and ecological crises are welcome to share experiences, connect with each other and play.
What to expect
Research Blasts from: Simon Carr (University of Cumbria), Simeon Shtebunaev (Social Life / Birmingham City University), Chris Skinner (FloodSkinner and University of Hull), and Joanne Morris (DEG, Stockholm Environment Institute at York)
Level-up talks from: from Richard Milburn (King's College London and Tunza Games), Richard Tutton (Sociology), Sarah Bridle, (DEG), Nanthini Sampath (Carboned OUT), Emma Hocking (Northumbria University) and Zoyander Street (Lancaster University with Megaverse).
The day will also include a range of interactive sessions, including pre-lunch Playtime!, 1-Up, and Pop-up Play. Lunch and refreshments will be provided throughout the day.
Register by 29 February (limited spaces available).