Reflections from our “Climate Conversations” lifelong learning course
Posted on 2 April 2024
In February 2024, the University of York's Centre for Lifelong Learning hosted a 6-week course called "Climate Conversations," which was collaboratively developed and delivered by University staff, students, and YUSU.
The course drew on texts from The Climate Book edited by Greta Thunberg to examine what climate change means for people and the planet, what can be done about it, and what is needed of us right now. The group worked collaboratively, using informed discussion, to imagine and co-create a more positive future.
As part of this course, participants were asked to create a poster, describing the future they wanted: where knowledge is listened, reduced inequalities, community driven, investment in public infrastructure and prioritised wellbeing. One participant stated: "It was good to see our road journey become a river of hope!"
Here are some of the elements that our participants wanted people to know about climate change:
"This is really serious"
"Don't become jaded!"
"Don't give up hope"
"You can make a difference"
"What would 2060 look like if we don't act?"
"What's your contribution?"
"Use less"
"Sort out supply chains"
A huge thanks to our dedicated staff and students for organising this course, and to everyone who came along!