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Vote for the Sustainability Champion of the Year

Posted on 4 May 2023

The YUSU Excellence Awards are back for 2023 and we are looking for the next Sustainability Champion of the Year!

Is there an unsung Greta Thunberg working in your department? A lecturer who goes the extra mile to reference climate change in their teaching? Someone who’s encouraging everyone around them to make greener choices?

If you work with a staff member, academic or non-academic, who inspires you to take on the climate crisis, consider nominating them as a Sustainability Champion in YUSU’s Excellence Awards. It takes ten minutes to submit a nomination and it can give someone the recognition and support they need to keep fighting for climate justice.

You might nominate a staff member who:

What are the Excellent Awards?

The Excellence Awards are back for 2023. These awards give students the opportunity to show their appreciation to staff across the University, and thank them for their hard work. It is a student-led celebration and one which allows students to recognise those who have had a particularly positive impact on them over the past academic year, whether they are academic or non-academic staff members.

Who can submit a nomination? 

Any student at the University of York, whether you are an undergraduate, postgraduate, full-time, part-time, distance learner, home or international student. Remember, you can submit multiple nominations and nominate in multiple categories.

Who can be nominated?

Lecturers, supervisors, researchers, administrators, support staff, catering staff, college staff - any member of staff at the University of York.

How to submit a nomination?

All you need to do is complete a nomination form below with the name of the staff member you are nominating and a statement explaining why you think they deserve the award. Criteria for each of the awards is included in the nomination forms. If you have any queries then please email the Student Voice Team (

How many categories are there in total this year?

There are 10 in all - 9 of them will be open for nominations. View other categories here.

Nominate a staff member using the form below.

Deadline 12 May at midday.

Vote now