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Attend the UN Regional Forum Side Event

Posted on 27 March 2023

Two students from the University of York, Hal Agar and Nicola Rosca, will be speaking at a 'UN Regional Forum Side Event: Solar Radiation Modification and Youth Perspectives on its Governance' on 30 March.

We're excited to announce that two students from the University of York, Hal Agar and Nicola Rosca, will be speaking at a UN Regional Forum Side Event: Solar Radiation Modification and Youth Perspectives on its Governance this Thursday 30 March. Hal and Nicola have been involved in a York Environmental Sustainability Institute (YESI) research project looking at dialogue in climate engineering with youth. They have been invited to this UN regional forum side event after facilitating some discussions with scientists on climate interventions.

The event will take place on 30 March, 1pm - 3pm (online). You can register your space and hear Hal and Nicola's talk here.

About their research

Dialogue in Climate Engineering with Youth (DICEY) builds upon existing research on dialogue in climate interventions, and is set against the context in which young people report feelings of betrayal and anxiety associated with beliefs about inadequate government response to climate change. The research project aims to increase youth capacity to initiate and sustain constructive dialogue on climate interventions between peers, policy-makers and scientists and understand youth perspectives on big questions about climate interventions.

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