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The Sustainability Clinic is officially up and running!

Posted on 3 October 2023

180 students are taking part in 'live' sustainability projects for organisations, from surveying biodiversity to sustainable transport plans at local community rugby grounds.

The Sustainability Clinic is officially up and running as a module for students. We have 180 students taking part in tackling real life 'live' sustainability problems for partners and organisations across the region.

Students enjoyed their launch lecture last week, and will now be teamed up with other students to start working on their projects. They will be tackling a variety of projects, from surveying biodiversity relating to red squirrels and looking at sustainable transport plans at local community rugby league grounds, to helping a removal company make office clearances more sustainable.

Professor Stephen Levett, Director of the Sustainability Clinic, says:

"The Sustainability Clinic is an amazing opportunity for students to come together from different backgrounds and disciplines, to learn with each other about how much they have to contribute to driving a sustainable future".

We're looking forward to sharing students' progress with you over the coming months, so stay tuned for developments.

An interdisciplinary module

The Sustainability Clinic is part of our suite of York Interdisciplinary Modules (YIMs) available for students to choose as a 20-credit elective module in 2023/24. Students from all Departments/Schools across the University had have an opportunity to take part (subject to timetabling availability/department constraints).

This module is a collaboration between the Environmental Sustainability at York (ESAY), Careers and Placements, the Baroness Hale Law Clinic and York Environmental Sustainability Institute (YESI).