Join Plastic Free July and reduce your plastic waste
Posted on 13 July 2023
It's Plastic Free July! Join millions of people reducing their plastic waste this month.
Plastic Free July has already inspired over 100 million people in 190 countries, because plastic pollution harms our environment and wildlife. Plastic Free July is a great time to join other people across the world to make a difference by choosing re-usable alternatives
Here are some top tips to get you started on cutting plastic use this month:
- Swap your disposable coffee cup for a reusable one. Did you know that over 300 million coffee cups end up in landfills every day? Let's change that.
- Opt for refills when it comes to cleaning products. By doing this, we can reduce the amount of single-use plastics used in our homes.
- Say goodbye to plastic bottles by switching to a shampoo bar. With half a trillion plastic bottles produced each year, making this simple change can significantly reduce your plastic consumption.
Why is plastic such a big problem? Well, despite its durability, plastic takes an incredibly long time to break down. And when it finally does, it often turns into harmful microplastics that pose a serious threat to our environment and waterways.
Here are some eye-opening facts:
- The average lifetime of a plastic bag is just 15 minutes
- By 2050, there could be more plastic in the sea than fish
- 1 million marine animals are killed by plastic every year
These facts may be hard-hitting, but don't lose hope! We have the power to make a change. Take the first step towards your plastic detox and participate in Plastic Free July!