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Rowntree Park's involvement with the Sustainability Clinic

Posted on 23 March 2023

Find out how a local organisation in York became involved with our Sustainability Clinic

In 2021 and 2022, Environmental Sustainability at York (ESAY) ran two Sustainability Clinic pilot schemes that gave students from the University an opportunity to work with local organisations and businesses on their sustainability goals.

In 2021, our student teams worked with the Friends of Rowntree Park to conduct baseline biodiversity surveys. In particular, they wanted to find out how the pollinator project in Rowntree Park was contributing to the pollinator population. Our students were also tasked with creating a method that would be simple enough for the general public to recreate in their own gardens. The project allowed our students to gain key skills in conducting surveys, project management and working as a team with external partners. 

We spoke Stu Small from Friends of Rowntree Park to see how this project impacted their organisation. Stu said,

"Friends of Rowntree Park feel really privileged to have a band of skilful and knowledgeable students collaborating with us. Volunteers’ efforts to improve our green space are infinitely more likely to succeed with this kind of project."

The Sustainability Clinic aims to provide students with real-life experiences that can be used on their CVs. It's also an opportunity to work with local and regional organisations, government, community groups, charities or businesses to help them find a solution to or better understand a real-life sustainability problem that matters to them.

The Clinic is being offered as an elective module in 2023/24 and is available to undergraduate and postgraduate students from all Departments and Schools. If you're interested in helping solve sustainability problems for local organisations like Friends of Rowntree Park, then consider signing up for the Sustainability Clinic (subject to timetabling availability / department constraints).

More about Sustainability Clinic