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Home>About the University>Sustainability>Events

Interested in taking part in sustainability-related events and activities at the University of York?

The University offers a wide range of events, workshops, conferences, and activities focused on sustainability, designed to engage, educate and inspire our staff, students and wider community on environmental stewardship and sustainable practices.

From campus biodiversity walks and green lectures to city volunteering projects and sustainability conferences, there's something for everyone.

Upcoming events

Featured events

Sustainability Week

Annually in March: Sustainability Week features a wide range of sustainability-related events for staff, students and alumni engage with in order to raise awareness about environmental and social issues.

Big Community Challenge

Annually in October: The Big Community Challenge is a month-long project coordinated by York Cares, and brings teams together to make transformational changes to green spaces across the city.

York Environment Weeks

Annually in September/October: York Environment Weeks (YEWs) offers a month-long programme of events for all those interested in learning about environment-related issues and making York a greener place.

York City Nature Challenge

Join the second-ever York CNC, 25-28 April 2025!

Spot an animal on your way to work or University? See an insect on a plant near your home? Take a few photos and upload them to iNaturalist to contribute to observations of biodiversity all around you during the York City Nature Challenge from 25-28 April 2025.

During York CNC 2025, participating organisations will be holding events to connect you with nature. You can also make your own observations of animals, plants and fungi where you live, work or play during these days. See the CNC events page for details about planned events during this time.

York City Nature Challenge 2025