Terms of reference for University Executive Board
The University Executive Board (UEB) is the senior executive leadership team led by the Vice-Chancellor and President.
It makes decisions to steer and support the strategic direction of the University.
UEB promotes and models the University's public good purpose, reputation and profile, including to a wide range of stakeholders. It ensures its own decisions and conduct reflect the University’s vision and values.
The Board:
- Is accountable to the Council, through the Vice-Chancellor and President, for all aspects of the executive and academic leadership of the University
- Is accountable for ensuring resources and independent advice are provided for the proper governance of the University
- Facilitates constructive relationships and timely and accurate two-way flow of information and advice with faculties, schools, departments and formal groups and bodies
- Oversees and directs the development and review of the University Strategy and all major strategic partnerships, for onward Council or subcommittee approval, where required
- Considers all major transactions, and capital, budgetary, forecasting and investment, borrowing or revenue-generating frameworks and initiatives and commitments for onward Council or subcommittee approval, where required
- Approves institution-wide or other significant policy to comply with University and/or external statutory or regulatory requirements, recommending this to Council or one of its subcommittees for approval, where required
- Seeks assurance on the effectiveness and enforcement of University policy
- Monitors the performance of the University Strategy and associated strategies and plans, against a range of key performance indicators and contextual information and data, and steers or confirms actions to improve performance
- Engages with, and seeks to influence the external environment in which the University operates
- Undertakes scenario-planning and horizon scanning on activities with a likely or known impact on the University and its ability to deliver the University Strategy
- Advises Council on the delivery of risk management strategy and policy, and the risk appetite to manage major threats and seize opportunities
- Delegates responsibility for strategic programme management, aspects of policy and operational planning and decision-making to:
- A number of subcommittees and bodies of UEB
- Through the thematic or specific portfolio responsibilities of individual UEB members.
Contact us
For Board enquiries: Richard Harrison
Deputy Secretary
For Think Tank meetings: Becky Christou
Senior Executive Officer to the Vice-Chancellor
Contact us
For Board enquiries: Richard Harrison
Deputy Secretary
For Think Tank meetings: Becky Christou
Senior Executive Officer to the Vice-Chancellor